The Hills of Brosarp

Ö, 277 37 Kivik, Sweden

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Discover the Enchanting Beauty of the Hills of Brosarp in Sweden

If you're seeking a truly magical experience in Skåne län, look no further than the captivating Hills of Brosarp. Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Österlen, these hills are a symbol of the entire southeast region of Skåne. With their unique geological history and stunning natural beauty, the Hills of Brosarp are a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

A Geological Wonder

The Hills of Brosarp are not your ordinary hills. They are actually large piles of sand, remnants of the ice-age glacier that once covered this area 15,000 years ago. Composed of calcareous sand with varying amounts of fine clay, these hills have a distinct composition that sets them apart. This unique geological formation has created a hilly landscape with peaks reaching up to 45 meters high.

Flora and Fauna

The Hills of Brosarp are not only visually stunning but also home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The vegetation in the southern Södra Backar differs from the northern Norra Backar due to the different composition of the sand. In the sandy steppe of Norra Backar, you'll find beautiful blooms of dwarf everlast, sand pink, and branched St Bernard's-lily. Spring brings vibrant wildflowers such as yellow common cowslip and white meadow saxifrage. As the year progresses, thrift, lucerne, and common pasque flower add splashes of color to the landscape.

Outdoor Adventures

The Hills of Brosarp offer endless opportunities for outdoor adventures. Explore the area on one of the circular trails that wind through the hills, allowing you to take in the breathtaking views of Hanö Bay from the peaks of Norra Backar. The Verkeåns Naturreservat, one of the largest nature reserves in southern Sweden, encompasses both Södra and Norra Backar, providing ample space for hiking, biking, and birdwatching. Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of nature as you discover hidden gems along the trails.

Cultural Delights

In addition to its natural wonders, Brosarp is also home to the Skånska Järnvägar museum railway. Step back in time as you watch steam trains chug through the hilly landscape, offering a nostalgic glimpse into the region's transportation history. The village of Brösarp itself is surrounded by the hills, creating a charming backdrop for exploring the local shops, cafes, and restaurants. Indulge in the local cuisine and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the locals.

When to Visit

The Hills of Brosarp are a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring brings vibrant wildflowers, while summer invites you to bask in the warm sunshine. In the fall, the hills are adorned with purple heather carpets, creating a stunning display of colors. Even in winter, the hills have a certain allure, with their snow-covered peaks and peaceful atmosphere. Plan your visit based on your preferences, whether you want to witness the blooming flowers or experience the tranquility of a winter wonderland.


Whether you're a nature enthusiast, history buff, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, the Hills of Brosarp in Skåne län will not disappoint. Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of this geological wonder, and let the hills weave their magic on your soul. Explore the diverse flora and fauna, embark on outdoor adventures, and indulge in the cultural delights of the area. Plan your visit to the Hills of Brosarp and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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