Gearagh House

Rossmore, Clonakilty, Ireland P85FX72

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Discover the Charming Gearagh House in Clonakilty

Nestled in the picturesque Rossmore area of West Cork, Gearagh House is a Victorian-era property with a fascinating history. This stunning detached holiday home offers a secluded and luxurious retreat, perfect for groups of friends or a family getaway. With its beautiful landscaped gardens, outdoor heated swim spa, and indoor recreation room with sauna, Gearagh House promises a truly memorable holiday experience.

A Historical Gem

Gearagh House dates back to the 19th century when it was built as a Protestant School by the Barnard family, one of the five Earls of Bandon. The original plan was to establish a village nearby, but unfortunately, the Irish Famine disrupted these plans. Over the years, Gearagh House has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but recent upgrades and investments have restored its former glory.

Architectural Delights

As you approach Gearagh House, you'll be captivated by its striking English Elizabethan/Tudor style. The stone-built two-storey home features arched gothic windows and leaded glass, reminiscent of other historic Bandon buildings. With its symmetrical wings and grand hall, Gearagh House exudes old-world charm and visual appeal. The spacious interior spans almost 4,000 sq ft, with most of the living space on the ground floor.

Things to Do and See

While Gearagh House offers a tranquil retreat, it is also conveniently located near Clonakilty, a vibrant town known for its colorful streets, award-winning restaurants, and lively pubs. Take a stroll through the town and explore the local shops, where you'll find unique souvenirs crafted by West Cork artists and artisans. Don't miss the opportunity to sample delicious artisanal food produced in the region.

For beach lovers, the stunning Inchydoney Beach, just 8 miles away, is a must-visit. This Blue Flag beach is one of many beautiful sandy stretches along the Wild Atlantic Way. If you're up for some adventure, venture further afield to explore the unspoiled Mizen, Sheep's Head, and Beara Peninsulas, where you'll be rewarded with breathtaking scenery.

When to Visit

Gearagh House is a year-round destination, offering something for every season. During the summer months, you can enjoy the outdoor heated swim spa and explore the lush gardens. In the cooler months, cozy up by the woodburner in the reception hall or the open fire in the living room and dining room. The house is equipped with modern amenities, including Wi-Fi, a DVD player, and a fully equipped kitchen, ensuring a comfortable stay no matter the time of year.

Plan Your Stay at Gearagh House

To reach Gearagh House, Cork Airport is approximately a 50-minute drive away. The house offers ample parking and even a cycle store for those who wish to explore the surrounding area on two wheels. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or a base for exploring the wonders of West Cork, Gearagh House is the perfect choice.

Book your stay at Gearagh House and immerse yourself in the rich history, stunning architecture, and natural beauty of Clonakilty. Experience the charm of this Victorian-era gem and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Vous souhaitez planifier un voyage ici ? Parlez à Maya, assistante de voyage IA .

Récits de voyage autour de Gearagh House

Lieux à visiter autour de Gearagh House