Galería MAES

C/ Dr. Vallejo, 5, 28027 Madrid, Spain

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Discover Contemporary Art at Galería MAES in Madrid

If you're a fan of contemporary art, then Galería MAES in Madrid is a must-visit destination. Located in the heart of the city, this eclectic gallery showcases the works of talented contemporary artists in various formats, including painting, sculpture, graphics, and photography. With about ten exhibitions per season, Galería MAES offers a diverse and ever-changing collection that is sure to captivate art enthusiasts.

Fun Facts about Galería MAES

  • Galería MAES has gained recognition not only in Madrid but also internationally. The works of the artists represented by the gallery can be found in collections across the United States and Europe, including prestigious institutions such as the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago and the Aldo Castillo Arts Foundation in Chicago.

  • The gallery has participated in several international art fairs, including AHAF Korea in Seoul, Art Innsbruck in Austria, and ARTZ Arte Contemporáneo in Zaragoza, Spain. This demonstrates the gallery's commitment to promoting its artists on a global scale.

Things to Do and See

When visiting Galería MAES, take the time to explore the diverse range of artworks on display. From vibrant paintings to thought-provoking sculptures, there is something to suit every artistic taste. The gallery's exhibitions change regularly, so you can expect to discover new and exciting works with each visit.

After immersing yourself in the world of contemporary art, take a stroll through the surrounding neighborhood. Madrid is known for its vibrant cultural scene, and you'll find numerous art galleries, museums, and cultural landmarks nearby. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the iconic Prado Museum or the Reina Sofia Museum, which houses famous works by artists such as Picasso and Dalí.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

While Galería MAES may not have a long historical background, it plays a significant role in promoting contemporary art in Madrid. The gallery's commitment to showcasing the works of emerging and established artists contributes to the city's vibrant art scene.

Architecturally, Galería MAES blends seamlessly with its surroundings. Located in a charming neighborhood, the gallery's facade reflects the traditional Spanish architecture found throughout Madrid. Inside, the gallery's layout and design create a welcoming and immersive environment for visitors to appreciate the art on display.

When to Visit

Galería MAES is open throughout the year, allowing visitors to experience the ever-changing exhibitions and discover new artists. The gallery's opening hours are typically from Tuesday to Saturday, with specific times varying depending on the season. It's always a good idea to check the gallery's website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.

Whether you're a seasoned art enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of contemporary works, Galería MAES in Madrid offers a unique and enriching experience. Immerse yourself in the world of modern art, explore the surrounding cultural landmarks, and discover the vibrant art scene that Madrid has to offer.

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