De Kathedraal, Antwerpen

Handschoenmarkt, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
+32 3 213 99 51
  • Poniedziałek: 10:00 - 17:00
  • Wtorek: 10:00 - 17:00
  • Środa: 10:00 - 17:00
  • Czwartek: 10:00 - 17:00
  • Piątek: 10:00 - 17:00
  • Sobota: 10:00 - 15:00
  • Niedziela: 13:00 - 16:00

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Discover the Majestic Beauty of De Kathedraal, Antwerpen in Antwerp

Antwerp, a vibrant city in Belgium, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and artistic heritage. One of the most iconic landmarks that stands tall in the heart of the city is De Kathedraal, Antwerpen, also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady. This magnificent Gothic cathedral is a must-visit for anyone exploring Antwerp, offering a captivating blend of history, art, and spirituality.

A Glimpse into History

The construction of De Kathedraal began in 1352, and although it was never fully completed, it remains an architectural marvel. The cathedral's architects, Jan and Pieter Appelmans, designed it in the Gothic style, with its towering spires and intricate details. Over the centuries, the cathedral has witnessed significant events and survived fires and destruction, making it a testament to the resilience of the city.

Marvel at Artistic Treasures

Step inside De Kathedraal, and you'll be greeted by a treasure trove of artistic masterpieces. The cathedral houses an impressive collection of works by renowned Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens, including his famous "Elevation of the Cross" and "Descent from the Cross." These awe-inspiring paintings showcase Rubens' exceptional talent and are a testament to the artistic legacy of Antwerp.

Architectural Wonders

As you explore De Kathedraal, take a moment to admire its architectural features. The cathedral's soaring nave, with its intricate vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows, creates a sense of grandeur and serenity. The intricate carvings and sculptures that adorn the walls and pillars are a testament to the craftsmanship of the medieval artisans.

Uncover Hidden Gems

While De Kathedraal is undoubtedly the main attraction, there are other hidden gems within its premises. The Shoe Chapel, located next to the Bishop's house, offers a tranquil space for silent prayer and reflection. It is open from Monday to Saturday, providing visitors with a serene escape from the bustling city.

When to Visit

De Kathedraal is open to visitors throughout the year, allowing you to explore its beauty at your own pace. However, if you want to avoid crowds and have a more intimate experience, consider visiting during weekdays or early mornings. The cathedral's peaceful ambiance is best enjoyed when it's not too crowded.

Nearby Attractions

After immersing yourself in the splendor of De Kathedraal, take some time to explore the surrounding area. Antwerp's historic city center is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with charming cobblestone streets, picturesque squares, and a vibrant atmosphere. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the nearby Grote Markt, where you can admire the stunning City Hall and indulge in delicious Belgian cuisine at one of the many cafes and restaurants.


De Kathedraal, Antwerpen, is a true gem that showcases the rich history and artistic heritage of Antwerp. Whether you're an art enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking a moment of tranquility, this Gothic cathedral will captivate your senses. Plan your visit to De Kathedraal and immerse yourself in the beauty and spirituality that this iconic landmark has to offer.

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