Det Hemmelige Teater

Lille Ro, 2653 Vestre Gausdal

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Discover the Magic of Det Hemmelige Teater in Vestre Gausdal

Nestled in the picturesque town of Vestre Gausdal, Det Hemmelige Teater (The Secret Theater) is a hidden gem that offers a unique and enchanting theatrical experience. Founded in 1983 by theater enthusiast Audun Gjermstad, this small theater association has been captivating audiences with their annual performances based on workshop work.

A Theater Like No Other

Det Hemmelige Teater is not your typical theater. It is housed in a purpose-built theater building that boasts a full range of facilities, including a costume storage, main stage, fly loft, dressing rooms, and an amphitheater with 80 seats. The dedication and attention to detail put into creating this theater space is evident, making it a truly special place for both performers and spectators.

A Haven for Theater Lovers

The theater association consists of a diverse group of individuals, including both professionals and amateurs, who share a passion for theater. Many of the members come from all over the country, drawn to the unique atmosphere and sense of community that Det Hemmelige Teater offers. They live, eat, and breathe theater, dedicating their time and energy to creating unforgettable performances.

From Secret to Open

For many years, Det Hemmelige Teater held exclusive, invitation-only performances, adding an air of mystery and excitement to their shows. However, the theater association has recently decided to open its doors to the public, allowing more people to experience the magic of their productions. This shift reflects their desire to bring theater to a wider audience and showcase their artistry in a different environment.

A Theatrical Escape

One of the most remarkable aspects of Det Hemmelige Teater is its location. Tucked away in the stunning natural surroundings of Vestre Gausdal, the theater provides a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of city life. Imagine immersing yourself in a captivating performance while surrounded by the beauty of nature. It's a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

When to Visit

Det Hemmelige Teater hosts performances throughout the year, so there's always an opportunity to catch a show. Whether you're a theater enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable cultural experience, attending a performance at this hidden theater is a must-do. Keep an eye on their website or social media channels for updates on upcoming shows and ticket information.


Det Hemmelige Teater in Vestre Gausdal is a theater like no other. With its dedicated members, stunning location, and commitment to creating exceptional performances, it offers a truly magical experience for theater lovers and visitors alike. Whether you're drawn to the allure of secret performances or the chance to enjoy theater in a serene natural setting, a visit to Det Hemmelige Teater is sure to leave you captivated and inspired.

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