Hotel Quercus

DR. FRANJE TUDJMANA 9, 88266 Medjugorje

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Discover the Tranquil Oasis of Hotel Quercus in Medjugorje

Nestled in the heart of Medjugorje, Hotel Quercus offers a tranquil oasis for travelers seeking a peaceful and spiritual retreat. With its modern amenities and serene surroundings, this hotel is the perfect base for exploring the rich history and natural beauty of this enchanting town.

A Haven of Comfort and Convenience

Hotel Quercus boasts a range of amenities designed to ensure a comfortable and convenient stay for its guests. Each room is air-conditioned and equipped with a smart room system, allowing guests to control the lighting, temperature, and entertainment options with just a touch of a button. After a restful night's sleep, guests can indulge in a delicious buffet breakfast, fueling them for a day of exploration.

Explore Medjugorje's Spiritual Sites

Medjugorje is renowned for its spiritual significance, attracting pilgrims from all over the world. Hotel Quercus is conveniently located near the iconic St. James Church, where visitors can attend mass and witness the powerful devotion of the faithful. The hotel also offers conference facilities with a seating capacity of 150, making it an ideal venue for spiritual retreats and gatherings.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

Beyond its spiritual allure, Medjugorje is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty. Hotel Quercus provides a parking lot for private cars and buses, allowing guests to easily venture out and explore the surrounding countryside. Take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque vineyards and olive groves, or embark on a scenic hike to the nearby Apparition Hill, where it is believed that the Virgin Mary appeared to a group of children.

Unwind and Indulge

After a day of exploration, guests can unwind at Hotel Quercus' bar, savoring a refreshing drink while enjoying the serene ambiance. The hotel also features a souvenir shop, where visitors can find unique mementos to commemorate their stay in Medjugorje.

When to Visit

Medjugorje experiences a Mediterranean climate, with warm summers and mild winters. The peak tourist season typically falls between May and September when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. However, for a more serene and intimate experience, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring or autumn when the crowds are thinner, and the landscape is adorned with vibrant colors.


Hotel Quercus in Medjugorje offers a haven of comfort and convenience for travelers seeking a spiritual and peaceful retreat. With its modern amenities, proximity to spiritual sites, and access to the natural beauty of the region, this hotel provides the perfect base for an unforgettable experience in Medjugorje. Whether you're seeking solace, adventure, or a combination of both, Hotel Quercus is sure to exceed your expectations.

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