IVT - Immersive Vision Theatre

Plymouth University, Drake Circus, PL4 8AA Plymouth
+44 1752 585858

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Discover the Immersive Vision Theatre in Plymouth

If you're looking for a unique and immersive experience in Plymouth, look no further than the Immersive Vision Theatre (IVT). This state-of-the-art facility offers a range of learning, entertainment, and research activities that will transport you to the edge of the observable universe and beyond.

A Brief History

Originally founded as the William Day Planetarium in 1967, the IVT has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. Thanks to the HEFCE's Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) program, the facility received a significant refurbishment and reopened its doors as the Immersive Vision Theatre.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Step inside the IVT, and you'll be amazed by the cutting-edge technology that awaits you. The theatre boasts a sophisticated dual fisheye remote light engine projection system and a 10.1 audio system, ensuring a truly immersive and captivating experience. Fulldome technology, which utilizes domed projection environments, creates a shared audience experience like no other.

Explore the Universe

One of the main highlights of the IVT is its ability to transport visitors to the far reaches of the observable universe. With its advanced imagery and computer software, you can embark on a journey billions of light-years away, exploring distant galaxies, nebulae, and celestial phenomena. Whether you're an astronomy enthusiast or simply curious about the cosmos, the IVT offers a captivating experience for all ages.

Educational Opportunities

The IVT is not only a place for entertainment but also a valuable educational resource. The facility delivers shows tailored to schools, colleges, and community groups, accommodating specific learning and curricula requirements. Students can delve into the wonders of the universe, gaining a deeper understanding of astronomical concepts and phenomena.

Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab

In addition to its educational offerings, the IVT plays a role in supporting the Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab. This project, delivered by the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, aims to assist Devon-based SMEs in addressing big data and environmental challenges. The IVT's involvement showcases its commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration in various fields.

Plan Your Visit

To experience the wonders of the Immersive Vision Theatre, plan your visit to Plymouth. The IVT is conveniently located on the University of Plymouth campus, making it easily accessible for both locals and tourists. Keep an eye on their website for upcoming shows and events, and be sure to book in advance to secure your spot.


The Immersive Vision Theatre in Plymouth offers a truly unique and captivating experience for visitors of all ages. With its cutting-edge technology, educational opportunities, and ability to transport you to the farthest reaches of the universe, the IVT is a must-visit destination for anyone with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Plan your visit today and prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the cosmos.

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