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Discover the Cinematic Charm of Gytheio Film Club

Gytheio, a picturesque coastal town in Greece, is not only known for its stunning beaches and rich history but also for its vibrant cultural scene. One of the hidden gems of Gytheio is the Kinimatografiki Leschi Gytheiou, also known as the Gytheio Film Club. Founded in 1997, this non-profit organization has been dedicated to promoting art and film in the local community.

A Journey Through Time

The early years of the Gytheio Film Club were marked by a sense of adventure and determination. With limited resources and a passionate group of members, the club started as a wandering troupe, showcasing films wherever they could find a suitable space. From hangar-warehouses to cafes and even the Kranai island, the club's screenings were a testament to their ingenuity and love for cinema.

From Wandering Troupe to a Permanent Home

In 1999, the Gytheio Film Club found a permanent home in the former elementary school of Chosiariou. This beautiful old stone building, located at the 13th kilometer of the provincial road between Gytheio and Areopolis, has been transformed into an intimate and cozy viewing space. Despite the challenges faced by the club's technical team, they have managed to overcome them with the support of their loyal audience.

A Cinematic Experience Like No Other

Visiting the Gytheio Film Club is a unique experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the world of cinema. The club's dedicated members curate a diverse selection of films, ranging from classic masterpieces to contemporary gems. Whether you are a film enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable evening, the Gytheio Film Club offers something for everyone.

Supporting the Community

The Gytheio Film Club goes beyond just showcasing films. They actively engage with the local community and support various social causes. From organizing poetry readings to collecting essential items for those in need, the club strives to make a positive impact on society. Their events often serve as a platform for cultural exchange and solidarity.

When to Visit

If you find yourself in Gytheio, make sure to check the Gytheio Film Club's schedule for upcoming screenings and events. The club usually hosts screenings in the evenings, providing the perfect opportunity to unwind after a day of exploring the town's attractions. Whether you are a film lover or simply curious about the local cultural scene, a visit to the Gytheio Film Club is sure to be a memorable experience.


The Gytheio Film Club is a testament to the passion and dedication of its members. From its humble beginnings as a wandering troupe to its current status as a cultural hub, the club has played a significant role in promoting art and film in Gytheio. Whether you are a cinephile or simply looking for a unique experience, a visit to the Gytheio Film Club is a must when exploring this charming Greek town.

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