Micro Teatro Terra Marique

via floramonti 9, 06122 Perugia, Italy
+39 075 572 1238

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Discover the Magic of Micro Teatro Terra Marique in Perugia

Perugia, the charming capital of the Umbria region in Italy, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. Nestled within this cultural hub is the enchanting Micro Teatro Terra Marique, a hidden gem that offers a unique and immersive theatrical experience. Let's dive into the captivating world of Micro Teatro Terra Marique and discover what makes it a must-visit destination for theater enthusiasts and curious travelers alike.

A Container of Theatrical Art

Micro Teatro Terra Marique is not just an association; it is a creative haven that fosters lifelong learning and promotes the art of theater. Since its inception in 1998, this dynamic institution has been organizing courses, workshops, and producing shows. It also provides administrative support to other theater groups and art projects, and directs theater seasons and festivals. With its diverse range of activities, Micro Teatro Terra Marique has become a hub for artistic expression and collaboration in Perugia.

A Journey into the World of Books and Music

One of the unique offerings of Micro Teatro Terra Marique is its project dedicated to children aged 6 months to 10 years. Through the magic of storytelling and theatrical play, children are introduced to the world of books and music. This innovative approach allows young minds to develop a deep connection with literature and view books as their trusted companions. It's a delightful experience that nurtures a love for reading and sparks the imagination of the little ones.

Residency and Artistic Creation

Micro Teatro Terra Marique is not only a space for performances but also a platform for artistic creation. From 2006 to 2014, the institution provided residencies for informal groups and individual artists to develop their projects. In 2015, it was officially recognized as a multidisciplinary artistic residency by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. This recognition has allowed Micro Teatro Terra Marique to collaborate with local theater companies and share its residential spaces, fostering a vibrant artistic community in Perugia.

Embracing the Contemporary Scene

Micro Teatro Terra Marique is committed to promoting a conscious understanding of contemporary theater. It invites participants to engage in various stages of the artistic process, from basic techniques to the realization of a performance. Through this inclusive approach, the institution empowers children, teenagers, and adults to explore their creativity and gain a deeper appreciation for the performing arts.

Plan Your Visit

If you're planning a trip to Perugia, make sure to include a visit to Micro Teatro Terra Marique in your itinerary. The institution's calendar is filled with exciting performances, workshops, and events throughout the year. Immerse yourself in the magic of theater and witness the incredible talent that thrives within the walls of this cultural hub.


Micro Teatro Terra Marique is a true gem in the heart of Perugia. With its commitment to lifelong learning, artistic creation, and promotion of theater, it offers a unique and immersive experience for visitors of all ages. Whether you're a theater enthusiast or simply curious about the performing arts, a visit to Micro Teatro Terra Marique is sure to leave you inspired and captivated. Plan your trip to Perugia and discover the magic that awaits within this extraordinary institution.

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