Moomin World, Naantali

Kailo, 21100 Naantali, Finlande

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Discover the Magic of Moomin World in Naantali

If you're a fan of the beloved Moomin characters created by Tove Jansson, then a visit to Moomin World in Naantali is an absolute must. Located on the island of Kailo, just beside the old town of Naantali in Southwest Finland, Moomin World is a whimsical theme park that brings the Moomin stories to life.

A Journey into Moomin's World

Step into the enchanting world of Moomin as you explore the five floors of the iconic Moominhouse. Each floor is filled with wonder and fun, with intricate details inspired by the Moomin stories. Here, you'll have the chance to meet the Moomin family and all their friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Fun for All Ages

Moomin World is not just for children - visitors of all ages can find adventures and fun things to do. Whether you're reliving your childhood or introducing the Moomin magic to your own children, the park offers a range of activities that will captivate everyone. From face paintings and hairstyling to transforming into your favorite Moomin character, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Explore the Fairytale Trail

Embark on a serene journey along the Fairytale Trail, a wood plank path surrounded by trees and magical places. Along the way, you might encounter Alice at her Herb garden or get lost in the mysterious Labyrinth made of wood. Keep an eye out for Thingumy and Bob, who might help or distract you as you navigate through the trail. And don't forget to visit the Witch's House, where you might witness extraordinary happenings, from flying brooms to floating books.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

Moomin World is not just about the attractions within the park; it also offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the stunning Finnish archipelago. Located on an island in Naantali, the park is part of a popular archipelago trail. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty that inspired Tove Jansson's stories and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature.

When to Visit Moomin World

Moomin World is primarily a summer destination, with the park opening its doors from June to August. During this time, visitors can fully experience the magic of Moomin in the warm Finnish summer. However, it's worth noting that the park can get quite busy during peak season, so it's advisable to plan your visit accordingly.


Moomin World in Naantali is a place where dreams come true and imaginations run wild. Whether you're a die-hard Moomin fan or simply looking for a unique and enchanting experience, this theme park offers something for everyone. From exploring the iconic Moominhouse to wandering along the Fairytale Trail, Moomin World is a destination that will leave you with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for the Moomin universe. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on a magical journey into Moomin's world in Naantali.

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