Παραλία Λάμπες / Lampes beach, Messinia, Greece

Lampes Bucht, 24006 Methóni, Messinia, Greece

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Lampes Beach in Methóni, Greece

Nestled along the picturesque coastline of Messinia, Greece, lies the enchanting Lampes Beach. With its crystal-clear waters, soft sandy shores, and family-friendly atmosphere, this hidden gem is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a tranquil seaside escape. Whether you're a sun-worshipper, a water sports enthusiast, or a history buff, Lampes Beach has something for everyone.

Fun Facts about Lampes Beach

Did you know that Lampes Beach is known for its rich biodiversity? The waters surrounding the beach are home to a variety of marine life, making it a popular spot for snorkeling and diving. Keep an eye out for colorful fish, sea turtles, and even dolphins if you're lucky!

Things to Do and See

Lampes Beach offers a range of activities to keep visitors entertained. If you're looking to soak up the sun, grab a beach chair and umbrella and relax on the soft golden sands. The calm and shallow waters make it ideal for families with young children to splash around and play.

For adventure seekers, there are plenty of water sports options available, including jet skiing, paddleboarding, and kayaking. Explore the coastline from a different perspective and discover hidden coves and secluded beaches.

Historical Significance

Methóni, the town where Lampes Beach is located, is steeped in history. Just a short distance from the beach, you'll find the Methóni Castle, a medieval fortress that dates back to the 13th century. Take a stroll through its ancient walls and immerse yourself in the rich history of the region.

Architectural Features

One of the most striking features of Lampes Beach is the view of the Bourtzi, a small fortified islet located just off the coast. This architectural marvel adds a touch of charm to the already breathtaking scenery. Don't forget to capture a photo of this unique landmark during your visit.

When to Visit

Lampes Beach is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit is during the summer months when the weather is warm and the sea is inviting. The beach can get crowded during peak season, so if you prefer a quieter experience, consider visiting in the shoulder seasons of spring or autumn.


Lampes Beach in Methóni, Greece, is a true hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its pristine waters, sandy shores, and a range of activities to enjoy, it's the perfect destination for a relaxing beach getaway. Whether you're interested in exploring the historical sites, indulging in water sports, or simply unwinding under the Mediterranean sun, Lampes Beach has it all. Plan your visit and prepare to be captivated by the beauty of this coastal paradise.

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Historie z podróży po Παραλία Λάμπες / Lampes beach, Messinia, Greece

Miejsca do zwiedzania wokół Παραλία Λάμπες / Lampes beach, Messinia, Greece