Restaurante El Rana Verde

calle de la Reina 1, 28300 Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain

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Discover the Charm of Restaurante El Rana Verde in Aranjuez

If you're looking for a truly enchanting dining experience in Aranjuez, look no further than Restaurante El Rana Verde. Nestled in a romantic and privileged setting, this restaurant offers a glimpse into the past, with its evocative ambiance reminiscent of bygone eras. Located on the banks of the Tagus River, amidst beautiful gardens and fountains, El Rana Verde is a hidden gem that will captivate your senses.

A Historical Connection

One interesting fact about Restaurante El Rana Verde is its historical significance. The restaurant takes its name from the patriarch of the family, affectionately known as "El tío Rana" (The Frog Uncle). The name was recommended by the renowned Catalan intellectual and painter, Santiago Rusiñol, a friend and client of the family. This unique connection adds a touch of charm to the restaurant's identity.

Culinary Delights

El Rana Verde is renowned for its traditional homemade cuisine, featuring typical Aranjuez specialties. Indulge in dishes such as asparagus, pheasant, and frog legs, which showcase the region's culinary heritage. The restaurant also offers a variety of other delectable options, including the famous strawberries of Aranjuez. Whether you're a food enthusiast or simply looking to savor the flavors of the region, El Rana Verde will not disappoint.

A Picturesque Setting

The restaurant's location is truly picturesque, with its terrace offering magnificent views of the Tagus River and the Royal Palace of Aranjuez. Sit back, relax, and soak in the beauty of the surroundings as you enjoy your meal. The white linen tablecloths and napkins add an elegant touch, enhancing the overall dining experience.

When to Visit

Restaurante El Rana Verde is a year-round destination, offering its delightful cuisine and stunning views in every season. However, if you want to make the most of your visit, consider going during the spring or summer months when the gardens are in full bloom. The combination of the restaurant's ambiance and the natural beauty of Aranjuez will create a truly unforgettable experience.

Nearby Attractions

While in Aranjuez, take the opportunity to explore the city's other attractions. Visit the Prince's Garden and Casa del Labrador, which are just a short distance away from El Rana Verde. These historical sites offer a glimpse into the grandeur of the Spanish royal family's summer residence.


Restaurante El Rana Verde in Aranjuez is a hidden gem that combines history, culinary delights, and breathtaking views. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a food lover, or simply seeking a romantic setting, this restaurant has something to offer. Immerse yourself in the charm of Aranjuez and indulge in a memorable dining experience at El Rana Verde.

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