Southampton City Art Gallery

Commercial Road, SO14 7LP Southampton

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Located in the heart of Southampton, the Southampton City Art Gallery is a hidden gem that showcases an impressive collection of art spanning six centuries of European art history. With over 5,300 works, this gallery is a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

A Historical Gem

The Southampton City Art Gallery opened its doors in 1939, with much of its initial funding coming from generous bequests. However, the gallery's journey was not without its challenges. During World War II, the gallery suffered damage, which delayed its reopening until 1946. Despite these setbacks, the gallery has persevered and continues to be a cultural hub in the city.

A Treasure Trove of Art

The gallery's collection is truly remarkable, offering visitors a glimpse into the evolution of European art. From a 14th-century altarpiece by Allegretto Nuzi to the Perseus series by Burne-Jones, the gallery boasts an array of masterpieces that will captivate art enthusiasts of all ages. You can also admire works by renowned artists such as Jacob Epstein, Auguste Rodin, Edgar Degas, and Tony Cragg.

Architectural Splendor

Housed in an example of 1930s municipal architecture, the Southampton City Art Gallery is not only a treasure trove of art but also a stunning architectural landmark. The building itself is a testament to the city's rich history and adds to the overall charm of the gallery.

Fun Facts and Activities

Did you know that the Southampton City Art Gallery holds a Designated Collection, considered of national importance? This recognition highlights the gallery's commitment to preserving and showcasing art of significant cultural value.

In addition to exploring the impressive collection, the gallery offers a range of educational activities for visitors of all ages. These activities provide opportunities for greater access, involvement, and understanding of art. Whether you're a seasoned art enthusiast or just starting your artistic journey, there's something for everyone at the Southampton City Art Gallery.

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to the Southampton City Art Gallery, it's important to plan ahead. The gallery's opening times changed in 2013, so be sure to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.

The gallery is conveniently located in the Civic Centre on Commercial Road, making it easily accessible for both locals and tourists. Take the time to immerse yourself in the rich artistic heritage of Southampton and explore the captivating works on display.


Southampton City Art Gallery is a cultural treasure that offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich artistic heritage of Southampton. With its impressive collection, stunning architecture, and educational activities, this gallery is a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts and history lovers. Plan your visit and prepare to be captivated by the beauty and significance of the artworks on display.

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