Svenskefurua Lørenskog

Svenskefurua Lørenskog, Hasselveien 6, 1470 Lørenskog, Norge

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Discover the Historic Svenskefurua in Lørenskog

If you're looking for a unique and historically significant attraction in Lørenskog, Norway, look no further than Svenskefurua. This ancient pine tree, located in Rådhusparken, stands as a testament to the events that unfolded during the Great Northern War in the early 18th century. Let's delve into the captivating story and explore what makes Svenskefurua a must-visit destination.

A Glimpse into History

During the Great Northern War, in March 1716, Swedish King Karl XII led his troops into Norway with the intention of capturing Christiania (now Oslo). After approximately a month, the Swedish army retreated through Aker and arrived in Lørenskog. It was here that three farms were burned, and the local farmers were subjected to a fire tax. Legend has it that the Swedish soldiers took respite under the shade of the majestic Svenskefurua.

The Significance of Svenskefurua

Svenskefurua holds great historical importance as it witnessed the first Norwegian campaign during the Great Northern War. As the Swedish forces passed through Lørenskog, they encountered Norwegian resistance at Bakåsen and Gjelleråsen, preventing them from advancing further. It was during this time that some Swedish soldiers rested under the shelter of Svenskefurua, giving the tree its name.

A Protected Natural Wonder

Recognizing the cultural and historical value of Svenskefurua, the tree was officially protected on November 8, 1962. Standing at approximately 15 meters tall with a circumference of around 3 meters, Svenskefurua is a magnificent sight to behold. While the tree poses no immediate danger to life or health, a safety zone has been established around it to ensure its preservation and protect the diverse biological life it supports.

Exploring the Surroundings

Svenskefurua is located near the picturesque Langvannet, a serene lake surrounded by pine trees. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the lake's shore, enjoying the tranquility of nature. The nearby Lørenskog rådhus (Town Hall) is also worth a visit, showcasing modern architectural design and serving as a hub for local government activities.

When to Visit

Lørenskog can be enjoyed throughout the year, with each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and summer bring vibrant colors and pleasant weather, making it an ideal time to explore the outdoors. Autumn paints the landscape with warm hues, creating a picturesque setting for a visit to Svenskefurua. Winter transforms the area into a winter wonderland, perfect for those who enjoy snowy landscapes and cozy moments by the fireplace.


Svenskefurua in Lørenskog is not just a tree; it's a living testament to a significant chapter in Norwegian history. As you stand beneath its branches, you can't help but feel a connection to the past and appreciate the resilience of the local community. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful escape, Svenskefurua is a destination that should not be missed. Plan your visit to Lørenskog and immerse yourself in the captivating story of Svenskefurua.

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