The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters

242 Abovyan St, Gyumri 3101, Armenia
+374 94 207060

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Gyumri, a charming city in Armenia, is not only known for its rich history and beautiful architecture but also for its vibrant art scene. One of the must-visit attractions for art enthusiasts is The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters. This unique gallery showcases the remarkable works of two talented Armenian artists, Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan.

Historical Significance and Artistic Heritage

The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters opened its doors on November 7th, 1987. It was a significant day as it marked the 70th anniversary of Mariam Aslamazyan, one of the sisters. To commemorate this milestone, Mariam and Eranuhi generously presented around 620 of their original works to the city of Gyumri.

Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan were born in the early 20th century and received their artistic education in prestigious institutions such as the Yerevan Fine Arts College and the High Schools of Art in Moscow and Leningrad. Their works reflect their unique perspectives and artistic styles, making them prominent figures in Armenian art history.

A Glimpse into the Artistic Journey

The gallery is housed in a historic building that was constructed in 1880 by the Qeshishovs family, prominent merchants of the time. After the devastating earthquake of 1988, the building was given to those affected by the disaster. It was later restored and reopened as The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters in 2004.

The gallery is divided into two floors, with the first floor dedicated to Eranuhi's works and the second floor showcasing Mariam's creations. As you explore the gallery, you'll be captivated by the sisters' diverse range of artistic expressions, including paintings, prints, drawings, and ceramic works. Their art reflects their deep connection to their surroundings, with Mariam often finding beauty in everyday objects and Eranuhi displaying a delicate use of color.

Architectural Marvels and Cultural Heritage

The building itself is a sight to behold, representing the fusion of European and traditional Armenian architectural elements of the 19th century. With its inner courtyard and wooden balcony, it exudes a sense of charm and elegance. Recognizing its historical and cultural significance, the government has protected the building as a heritage site since 1980.

When to Visit and Fun Facts

The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters is open to visitors throughout the year. However, if you want to experience the vibrant art scene of Gyumri at its peak, consider visiting during the annual Gyumri International Biennial of Contemporary Art. This event attracts artists and art enthusiasts from around the world, creating a lively atmosphere in the city.

Fun fact: The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters is the only museum in Armenia named after female artists and dedicated to female artists. It stands as a testament to the sisters' contributions to the art world and their efforts to promote the role of female artists in Soviet-Armenian society.


The Gallery of Mariam and Eranuhi Aslamazyan Sisters in Gyumri is a treasure trove of artistic brilliance. From the historical significance of the building to the captivating works of the Aslamazyan sisters, this gallery offers a unique and enriching experience for art lovers. Plan your visit to Gyumri and immerse yourself in the artistic legacy of these talented Armenian artists.

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