Medizinhistorisches Museum Hamburg

Martinistraße 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany

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Este texto foi traduzido para Português a partir do original em English

Discover the Fascinating History of Medicine at Medizinhistorisches Museum Hamburg

Located in the vibrant city of Hamburg, the Medizinhistorisches Museum (Medical Historical Museum) offers visitors a captivating journey through the development of medicine and society from the late 19th century to the present day. With its unique exhibits and engaging displays, this museum is a must-visit for anyone interested in the fascinating world of medical history.

Uncover the Evolution of Medicine

Step inside the Medizinhistorisches Museum and prepare to be amazed by the vast collection of objects and artifacts that vividly illustrate the evolution of medicine. From ancient medical instruments to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, the museum showcases the progress made in the field of medicine over the years.

Explore the "Venusmaschine" Exhibition

One of the highlights of the Medizinhistorisches Museum is the "Venusmaschine" exhibition, featuring the works of artist Kirsten Krüger. Through her sculptures and narrative artworks, Krüger explores the imitation of natural materials and forms. These thought-provoking pieces, displayed in dialogue with the museum's exhibits, highlight the concept that bodies are not simply given, but rather shaped through processes of description, molding, and replication.

Dive into the World of Medical Modeling

The museum's collection also delves into the various forms of body modeling throughout history. From the Chinese practice of "foot binding" to the pathologization of tattoos and the creation of disease models through moulage, the exhibits shed light on the different ways in which bodies have been shaped and represented. This unique perspective brings together art, literature, historical image studies, and medical research.

Attend Engaging Lectures and Events

The Medizinhistorisches Museum offers a series of lectures organized by the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine. These events cover current topics in the fields of medical history, ethics, and museology. Held on Thursdays at 16:15 in the museum's library, these lectures provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the fascinating world of medicine.

Plan Your Visit

The Medizinhistorisches Museum is open to the public and admission is free. It is located in Hamburg and easily accessible by public transportation. The museum's opening hours may vary, so it is recommended to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.


The Medizinhistorisches Museum in Hamburg offers a captivating journey through the history of medicine. From ancient medical practices to modern scientific advancements, this museum provides a unique insight into the evolution of medicine and its impact on society. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a medical professional, or simply curious about the wonders of the human body, a visit to this museum is sure to be an enlightening and memorable experience.

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