Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo

Contrada San Leonardo, 96013 Carlentini

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Experience the Charm of Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo in Carlentini

Nestled in the picturesque countryside of Carlentini, Sicily, Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo offers a unique and enchanting experience for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat. This charming agriturismo is part of the Azienda Agricola Cundari, known for its cultivation of oranges, olives, vineyards, vegetables, honey, and jams. With its stunning natural surroundings and a range of amenities, Villa San Leonardo is the perfect destination for those looking to immerse themselves in the beauty of Sicily.

A Haven of Tranquility

Situated halfway between Catania and Syracuse, Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo provides a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The property boasts a variety of accommodation options, including rooms, a suite, and bungalows. Each accommodation is equipped with modern amenities such as a private bathroom, LED TV, Wi-Fi, mini bar, safe, and air conditioning. The rooms are designed to provide comfort and relaxation, ensuring a restful stay for guests.

Explore the Grounds

The sprawling grounds of Villa San Leonardo are a sight to behold. Guests can wander through the lush greenery, taking in the fragrant citrus groves and olive trees. The agriturismo features a swimming pool with a solarium, where visitors can soak up the sun and unwind on loungers and umbrellas. For those seeking more active pursuits, there is a football pitch, tennis courts, and a bowls court. The property also houses a riding center, offering horse trekking opportunities for equestrian enthusiasts.

Delve into Sicilian Cuisine

One of the highlights of staying at Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo is the opportunity to indulge in authentic Sicilian cuisine. The on-site restaurant serves up a delectable array of dishes made from locally sourced ingredients. Guests can savor the flavors of traditional Sicilian recipes, accompanied by the agriturismo's own production of extra virgin olive oil and wines. The restaurant also caters to special dietary requirements, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a memorable dining experience.

Nearby Attractions

While Villa San Leonardo offers a serene retreat, there are plenty of attractions to explore in the surrounding area. Just a short drive away, visitors can discover the beautiful beaches of Carlentini and the vibrant cities of Catania and Syracuse. These cities are rich in history and culture, boasting impressive architectural landmarks such as the Catania Cathedral and the ancient Greek Theater in Syracuse. Additionally, nature lovers can venture to the nearby Mount Etna, Europe's largest active volcano, for a thrilling hiking experience.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and pleasant. This allows guests to fully enjoy the outdoor amenities and explore the surrounding attractions without the scorching heat of summer. However, the agriturismo welcomes visitors year-round, each season offering its own unique charm.

Plan Your Escape to Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo

Whether you're seeking a peaceful getaway or an adventure-filled exploration of Sicily, Agriturismo Villa San Leonardo in Carlentini is the perfect destination. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the countryside, indulge in delicious Sicilian cuisine, and discover the rich history and culture of the region. Book your stay at Villa San Leonardo and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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