Mubaq - Museo dei Bambini L'Aquila

Borgo San Lorenzo. Fossa. L'AQUILA, Fossa, Abruzzi, Italy

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Discover the Magic of Mubaq - Museo dei Bambini L'Aquila in Fossa

Nestled in the charming town of Fossa, Italy, lies a hidden gem that will ignite your imagination and creativity - Mubaq, the Children's Museum of L'Aquila. This unique space is dedicated to fostering discovery, reflection, and artistic expression among children and teenagers. Let's dive into the captivating world of Mubaq and explore all it has to offer.

Unleash Your Creativity

At Mubaq, the approach to art is interactive and purposeful, designed to stimulate curiosity, spontaneity, and creativity in young visitors. The museum was created by artists, cultural workers, and art historians who believe in the power of art to inspire and educate. Through various initiatives, Mubaq aims to introduce children to the diverse languages, techniques, and relationships of art with other forms of expression such as music, dance, theater, and cinema.

Engaging Activities for All Ages

Mubaq offers a wide range of activities suitable for children aged 3 to 15 years. The museum's workshops and exhibitions are designed to be practical and playful, recognizing that play and hands-on experiences are essential for knowledge-building. Children have the opportunity to develop their design skills, creativity, and observation abilities. They can explore different materials, learn about the expressive value of colors and shapes, and discover the technical possibilities of art.

A Collaborative Cultural Hub

Mubaq collaborates with esteemed institutions such as the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila, the Superintendence for the Environmental, Architectural, Artistic, and Historical Heritage for Abruzzo, and the National Museum of Sacred Art of Abruzzo. These partnerships enable the museum to create a vibrant network of artists, educators, psychologists, and cultural figures who contribute to the enriching experiences offered at Mubaq.

Beyond the Museum Walls

Mubaq's activities extend beyond the museum itself. Exhibitions, workshops, conferences, and debates take place not only within the museum's premises but also in various locations throughout the region. The museum's outreach efforts aim to engage children, parents, and teachers from across Abruzzo, fostering a sense of community and appreciation for art.

When to Visit

Mubaq welcomes visitors throughout the year, offering a diverse program of exhibitions, installations, performances, and more. However, if you want to experience the full vibrancy of the museum, plan your visit during the summer months. During this time, Mubaq hosts "Seminiamo arte," a series of contemporary art exhibitions and related activities. This event, now in its third edition, aims to bring art beyond the borders of Fossa and Ocre, expanding its reach to the medieval historic center of L'Aquila.

Immerse Yourself in Art at Mubaq

Mubaq - Museo dei Bambini L'Aquila in Fossa is a haven for young art enthusiasts and curious minds. Whether you're a child, teenager, parent, or art lover, Mubaq offers a captivating and educational experience. Discover the magic of this interactive museum, unleash your creativity, and explore the rich artistic heritage of the region. Plan your visit to Mubaq and embark on a journey of imagination and inspiration.

Vous souhaitez planifier un voyage ici ? Parlez à Maya, assistante de voyage IA .

Récits de voyage autour de Mubaq - Museo dei Bambini L'Aquila

Lieux à visiter autour de Mubaq - Museo dei Bambini L'Aquila