Château Léoube

2387 route de Léoube, 83230 Bormes-les-Mimosas

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Discover the Beauty of Château Léoube in Bormes-les-Mimosas

Nestled on the stunning coast of Provence, Château Léoube in Bormes-les-Mimosas is a hidden gem that offers a unique experience for wine enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. With its breathtaking views, sustainable practices, and exceptional wines, this organic vineyard is a must-visit destination in the South of France.

A Sustainable Haven

Château Léoube is renowned for its commitment to sustainability and organic farming. Spread across four kilometers of Mediterranean coastline, the estate is one of the most sustainable organic vineyards in Europe. The vineyard follows biodynamic principles and is certified organic, ensuring that every step of the winemaking process is environmentally friendly.

Exceptional Wines and Olive Oils

The vineyard produces a range of exquisite wines, including pink, red, and white varieties. The wines are crafted with meticulous care, resulting in balanced and elegant flavors that capture the essence of Provence. Whether you're a fan of rosé or prefer a full-bodied red, Château Léoube has something to satisfy every palate.

In addition to their wines, Château Léoube also produces extra virgin olive oils. Made from olives ripened in the Mediterranean sunshine and cooled by the sea air, these oils are smooth, rich, and full-flavored. They are the perfect accompaniment to salads, marinades, or any dish that calls for a touch of Provence.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

One of the highlights of visiting Château Léoube is the opportunity to explore its stunning natural surroundings. The estate is located on a protected site, surrounded by coastal pine trees and overlooking the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Take a leisurely stroll through the vineyards, breathe in the fresh sea air, and soak up the beauty of the landscape.

Café Léoube: A Culinary Delight

After a day of wine tasting and exploring, head to Café Léoube for a delightful dining experience. The café serves seasonal Mediterranean dishes that celebrate the organic ingredients grown in Château Léoube's orchards and Market Garden. From fresh seafood to vibrant salads, every dish is a celebration of the flavors of Provence. The café and lounge provide a tranquil oasis where you can relax and savor the magic of the South of France.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Château Léoube is during the harvest season, which typically starts in mid-August and lasts for about three weeks. Witness the vineyard come alive as grapes are hand-picked and transformed into the exceptional wines that Château Léoube is known for. However, the estate is a beautiful destination year-round, with its stunning coastal views and serene atmosphere.


Château Léoube in Bormes-les-Mimosas is a true paradise for wine lovers and nature enthusiasts. With its commitment to sustainability, exceptional wines, and breathtaking surroundings, it offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you're exploring the vineyards, indulging in a delicious meal at Café Léoube, or simply taking in the beauty of the Mediterranean coast, Château Léoube is a destination that will leave you with lasting memories.

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