Evangelical Church in Ostrava

Husovo nám. 1188/4, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Czechia

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Exploring the Neo-Renaissance Beauty of the Evangelical Church in Ostrava

If you find yourself in the vibrant city of Ostrava-město, don't miss the opportunity to visit the stunning Evangelical Church. This architectural gem, also known as the "Red Church" or "Christ Church," is a neo-Renaissance masterpiece that will leave you in awe.

A Historical and Architectural Marvel

Built between 1905 and 1907, the Evangelical Church in Ostrava stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of the region. Designed by Karl Troll and Ludvík Faigl, the church showcases a unique blend of Dutch Renaissance and Art Nouveau influences.

Marvel at the Red Church

As you approach the Evangelical Church, you'll be captivated by its striking red facade, which gives it the nickname "Red Church." The vibrant color, combined with intricate architectural details, creates a visually stunning sight that is sure to impress both architecture enthusiasts and casual visitors alike.

Step Inside and Discover

Once inside, you'll be greeted by a serene and peaceful atmosphere. The interior of the church is equally impressive, with its soaring ceilings, ornate stained glass windows, and beautifully crafted wooden pews. Take a moment to admire the intricate details and craftsmanship that went into creating this sacred space.

Historical Significance

The Evangelical Church in Ostrava holds great historical significance for the region. It was entered into the register of monuments of the Czech Republic on May 3, 1958, recognizing its architectural and cultural importance. As you explore the church, you'll feel a sense of connection to the past and the generations of worshipers who have gathered here.

Fun Facts and Nearby Attractions

  • Did you know that the Evangelical Church in Ostrava is one of the largest Protestant churches in the Czech Republic? Its impressive size and grandeur make it a must-see attraction for architecture enthusiasts.

  • While in Ostrava-město, take the opportunity to explore the surrounding area. The city offers a wealth of attractions, including the vibrant Stodolní Street, known for its lively nightlife and diverse dining options. Additionally, the Ostrava Castle and the Landek Park Mining Museum are both worth a visit for those interested in the region's history and industrial heritage.

When to Visit

The Evangelical Church is open to visitors throughout the year, allowing you to experience its beauty and tranquility at your own pace. Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply seeking a moment of reflection, a visit to this remarkable church is a must.


The Evangelical Church in Ostrava is a true architectural gem that should not be missed during your visit to Ostrava-město. Its neo-Renaissance beauty, historical significance, and peaceful atmosphere make it a must-see attraction for travelers of all interests. So, make sure to add this remarkable church to your itinerary and immerse yourself in its captivating charm.

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