Galerie Christiane Vallé

15 rue Philippe Marcombes, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France

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Discover the Vibrant Art Scene at Galerie Christiane Vallé in Clermont-Ferrand

Clermont-Ferrand, a charming city nestled in the heart of France, is not only known for its stunning landscapes and rich history but also for its thriving art scene. One of the must-visit destinations for art enthusiasts is the Galerie Christiane Vallé. This art gallery has been a prominent fixture in the city since 1967, showcasing a diverse range of artists and their captivating works.

A Hub for Artistic Expression

Galerie Christiane Vallé is a place where art lovers can immerse themselves in a world of creativity and inspiration. The gallery brings together artists from around the world, creating a melting pot of different genres and styles. From paintings and sculptures to prints and abstract art, there is something to captivate every visitor.

A Collection of Renowned Artists

The gallery takes pride in featuring works by both established and emerging artists. Visitors can admire pieces by renowned artists such as Bernard Buffet, Jean Moiras, Peter Klasen, Vladimir Velickovic, Pasqua, Segui, Jonone, Benjamin Spark, Shepard Fairey, Greg Léon Guillemin, and Mr Garcin, among others. The diverse origins of these artists contribute to the gallery's unique and eclectic collection.

Explore the Artistic Universe

Whether you are an art enthusiast, an aspiring artist, or simply curious, a visit to Galerie Christiane Vallé is a must. The gallery offers a wide range of art forms, including figurative narrative, modern art, contemporary art, street art, prints, sculptures, and lyrical abstractions. Each piece tells a story and invites visitors to delve into the artist's world of imagination and creativity.

Adding Artistic Touches to Your Space

For passionate collectors or those looking to add a touch of art to their homes, Galerie Christiane Vallé is the perfect place to find unique and original pieces. The gallery collaborates with talented artists, ensuring a selection of one-of-a-kind artworks. Whether you are interested in paintings, sculptures, photography, modern art, lithography, or any other form of art, you are bound to find something that resonates with your taste and style.

Supporting Local and International Artists

Galerie Christiane Vallé is not only a space for appreciating art but also a platform for artists to showcase their talent. The gallery regularly organizes art exhibitions, featuring the works of local, national, and international artists. These events provide an opportunity to discover new forms of artistic expression and engage with passionate artists. Visitors can meet the artists, purchase their creations, and engage in meaningful conversations about their works.

Plan Your Visit

If you're planning a trip to Clermont-Ferrand, make sure to include a visit to Galerie Christiane Vallé in your itinerary. The gallery is open throughout the year, allowing visitors to explore the vibrant art scene at their convenience. Whether you're a seasoned art connoisseur or simply appreciate the beauty of creative expression, Galerie Christiane Vallé promises an enriching and inspiring experience.


Galerie Christiane Vallé is a true gem in the heart of Clermont-Ferrand's art scene. With its diverse collection of artworks and dedication to promoting both local and international artists, the gallery offers a unique and immersive experience for art enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to add to your art collection or simply want to explore the creative universe, a visit to Galerie Christiane Vallé is sure to leave you inspired and captivated.

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