Galerie Lemoine

32 rue St Louis en l'île, 75004 Paris, France

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Discover the Artistic Delights of Galerie Lemoine in Paris

Paris, the city of love and art, is home to numerous galleries that showcase the works of talented artists from around the world. One such gem is Galerie Lemoine, a must-visit destination for art lovers seeking a unique blend of figuration and contemporary thought. Located at the foot of the magnificent clock of the church of Saint Louis, this gallery is a true delight for the eyes.

A Legacy of Artistic Excellence

Galerie Lemoine has been a prominent figure in the Parisian art scene for over thirty years. With multiple locations, the gallery has consistently exhibited and displayed the works of talented artists, staying resolutely faithful to its mission of promoting artistic excellence. The owner, Jacqueline Lemoine, has curated a collection that showcases the vibrant colors, innovative compositions, and captivating framing that define the living artists presented at the gallery.

Immerse Yourself in Art

Visiting Galerie Lemoine is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of contemporary art. As you wander through the gallery's carefully curated exhibitions, you'll encounter a diverse range of artistic styles and mediums. From thought-provoking paintings to mesmerizing sculptures, each piece tells a unique story and invites you to explore the artist's perspective.

The Architectural Charm

In addition to the captivating artworks, Galerie Lemoine is housed in a building that exudes architectural charm. The gallery's location at the foot of the church of Saint Louis provides a picturesque backdrop for the art on display. The magnificent clock of the church adds a touch of historical significance to the surroundings, creating a harmonious blend of art and heritage.

When to Visit

Galerie Lemoine welcomes visitors throughout the year, offering a year-round opportunity to discover new artistic talents and appreciate the beauty of contemporary art. Whether you're a seasoned art enthusiast or simply curious about the Parisian art scene, a visit to Galerie Lemoine is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Nearby Attractions

While exploring the artistic wonders of Galerie Lemoine, take the opportunity to explore the surrounding area. The gallery's location in Paris offers easy access to other cultural landmarks and attractions. You can take a leisurely stroll along the Seine River, visit the nearby Notre-Dame Cathedral, or explore the charming streets of the Marais district.


Galerie Lemoine is a hidden gem in the heart of Paris, offering art enthusiasts a unique and captivating experience. With its commitment to showcasing talented artists and its prime location near iconic landmarks, this gallery is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the vibrant world of contemporary art. So, the next time you find yourself in Paris, make sure to add Galerie Lemoine to your itinerary and let the artistic delights of this gallery enchant you.

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