Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon

Rue Mandelot, 69005 Lyon, France
+33 4 72 77 69 69

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Unveiling the Ancient Treasures: Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon

Nestled in the heart of Lyon, the Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon is a hidden gem that takes visitors on a journey through time. This historical garden, classified as a monument historique in 1986, offers a fascinating glimpse into Lyon's rich past and architectural heritage.

A Walk Through History

As you step into the Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon, you are transported back to the early Christian era. This site was once home to the original Episcopal group of Lyon, consisting of three churches: Saint-Jean to the south, Saint-Etienne in the center, and Sainte-Croix to the north. The partially preserved elevation of the nave and apse of Sainte-Croix, along with the baptistery of Saint-Etienne and its original tank, are the highlights of this archaeological garden.

Architectural Marvels

One of the notable features of the Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon is the ancient baptistery of Saint-Etienne. Dating back to the 4th century, it is one of the oldest paleochristian baptisteries in Gaul. This small square room with a small orientated apse showcases the early liturgical practices of Christianity. The baptistery's octagonal tank is a testament to the religious rituals of the time.

Uncovering Lyon's Past

The archaeological excavations carried out between 1972 and 1977 revealed remnants from various periods, ranging from the 1st century AD to the 16th century. These excavations unearthed the remains of Lyon's original Episcopal group, shedding light on the city's early Christian communities. The extensive ruins, including the double wall parallel to the Saône River, provide valuable insights into Lyon's urban development.

Fun Facts and Visitor Information

Did you know that the Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon is named after Girard Desargues, a renowned mathematician from Lyon? Desargues, who served as an advisor to Cardinal Richelieu, is credited with designing the spiral staircase of Lyon's Town Hall.

The Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon is open to the public every day, 24 hours a day, and admission is free. The site is conveniently located north of the Saint-Jean Cathedral, making it easily accessible for visitors exploring Lyon's historic district.

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to the Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon, take your time to explore the archaeological remains and immerse yourself in Lyon's ancient history. The informative panels on-site provide valuable insights into the stories behind these architectural treasures.

Whether you are a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking a unique experience in Lyon, the Jardin archéologique Saint-Jean de Lyon is a must-visit destination. Discover Lyon's rich past and marvel at the architectural wonders that have stood the test of time.

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