Museum im "Alten Oberamt"

Hohenzollernstr.11, 72501 Gammertingen

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Discover the Rich History at Museum im "Alten Oberamt" in Gammertingen

Located in the charming town of Gammertingen, the Museum im "Alten Oberamt" offers visitors a fascinating journey through the history and legends of the region. This baroque building, constructed in 1726 by Mayor Clavell, has been transformed into a cultural hub that showcases the heritage of Gammertingen and its surrounding villages.

From Early to Speth: Unveiling the Past

Step into the "From Early to Speth" section of the museum and immerse yourself in the rich history of Gammertingen and its neighboring areas. Here, you'll find a collection of historical numbers, dates, and intriguing anecdotes that shed light on the town's past. From the transformation of Bubenhofen to Speth in 1524 to the discovery of the "Golden Helmet" in 1902, each exhibit offers a unique glimpse into the town's evolution over the centuries.

Maria's Mountain and Devil's Gate: Legends and Folklore

Delve into the realm of legends and folklore in the "Maria's Mountain and Devil's Gate" section of the museum. Discover captivating tales that have been passed down through generations, such as the story of the Teufelstor (Devil's Gate) and the mysterious head of Gammertingen. These legends add an enchanting touch to the historical narrative of the town, allowing visitors to explore the mystical side of Gammertingen.

Building and Museum: A Baroque Gem

The Museum im "Alten Oberamt" itself is a sight to behold. The baroque building, with its stunning architecture and beautiful ceiling stucco, is a testament to the town's rich cultural heritage. Originally used as an Amtshaus (administrative building) since the late 18th century, it later served as the Prussian upper office from 1850 to 1925. After extensive renovations, the building was transformed into a museum and social center in 2008.

Exhibitions and Cultural Events

The upper floor of the Museum im "Alten Oberamt" houses several exhibitions that showcase various aspects of Gammertingen's history and culture. The exhibits are curated by a dedicated group of art, history, and local enthusiasts who have brought the museum to life since 2008. With nearly thirty self-created exhibitions, the museum offers a diverse range of topics that cater to different interests.

Visitors to the museum can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere, where questions are encouraged and conversations with the exhibition makers are highly valued. The museum also organizes cultural events and outings, providing opportunities for visitors and volunteers to engage further with the local community.

Plan Your Visit

If you're planning a trip to Gammertingen, a visit to the Museum im "Alten Oberamt" is a must. The museum is open during regular hours, allowing ample time to explore the exhibitions and immerse yourself in the town's captivating history. Whether you're a history buff, a lover of legends, or simply curious about the cultural heritage of Gammertingen, this museum offers a unique and enriching experience.

So, make sure to add the Museum im "Alten Oberamt" to your itinerary and discover the hidden gems of Gammertingen's past.

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