Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi - San Gimignano

Via San Matteo, 95, 53037 San Gimignano

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Discover the Charm of Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi in San Gimignano

San Gimignano, a beautifully preserved medieval hill town in Tuscany, is home to the magnificent Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi. This historical palace, dating back to the 13th century, offers a unique and enchanting experience for travelers seeking a taste of the past.

A Step Back in Time

As you step inside Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi, you'll be transported to a bygone era. The rooms are adorned with authentic antique furnishings, providing a glimpse into the rich history of the palace. The comfortable and spacious accommodations are tastefully decorated, creating an atmosphere that makes you feel like a guest in the home of a famous figure from times past.

Immerse Yourself in History

Located in the heart of San Gimignano's historic center, Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi is surrounded by the town's most beautiful squares and imposing medieval towers. The palace itself is a testament to the architectural marvels of the past, with its grand facade and intricate details. Staying here allows you to fully immerse yourself in the history and charm of this medieval gem.

Explore San Gimignano and Beyond

Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi is not only a haven of history and elegance but also an ideal base for exploring the wonders of Tuscany. San Gimignano itself is famous for its skyline of medieval towers, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Take a leisurely stroll through the town's narrow streets, visit the Cathedral, or indulge in the local cuisine and wine.

Beyond San Gimignano, the region of Tuscany beckons with its picturesque landscapes and cultural treasures. From the palace, you can easily access nearby cities such as Pisa, Florence, Siena, Chianti, and Lucca. Whether you're interested in art, history, or simply enjoying the beauty of the Tuscan countryside, Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi provides the perfect starting point for your adventures.

When to Visit

San Gimignano is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and autumn are particularly pleasant, with mild temperatures and fewer crowds. Summer brings vibrant festivals and events, but also larger crowds. Winter, although quieter, has its own allure with the town's medieval atmosphere and cozy ambiance.


Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi in San Gimignano is a true gem for travelers seeking an authentic and immersive experience in Tuscany. With its historical significance, architectural beauty, and convenient location, this palace offers a memorable stay in the heart of one of Italy's most enchanting towns. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a lover of art, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Buonaccorsi is sure to captivate your senses and leave you with lasting memories of your time in San Gimignano.

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