Stenshuvud National Park

Stenshuvud nationalpark, Simrishamn N, Sverige
+46 414 708 82

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Discover the Natural Beauty of Stenshuvud National Park in Simrishamn N

Nestled in the southeastern corner of Sweden, in the province of Scania, lies the breathtaking Stenshuvud National Park. This hidden gem is located close to Kivik in Simrishamn Municipality and has been a protected area since 1986. Covering an area of about 3.9 km², this park offers a diverse range of landscapes, from coastal hills and lush deciduous forests to pastoral heaths and beautiful beaches.

A Landmark with a View

One of the highlights of Stenshuvud National Park is the hill after which it is named. Standing at an impressive height of 97 meters, Stenshuvud Hill faces the Baltic Sea and can be seen from a great distance due to the surrounding flat landscape. For centuries, it has served as a landmark for seafarers navigating the waters. Visitors can embark on a trek up the hill to enjoy the panoramic view, which is particularly stunning on clear days.

Biodiversity at its Finest

Stenshuvud National Park boasts a rich biodiversity, thanks to its mild climate and varied habitats. The park is predominantly covered with broadleaf forest, with European hornbeam being a prominent species. However, you'll also find heaths, meadows, and swamps within its boundaries. This diverse environment provides a home for numerous animal and plant species, some of which are unique to this region. Keep an eye out for the hazel dormouse, Eurasian golden oriole, European tree frog, and agile frog. Plant enthusiasts will be delighted to discover around 600 vascular plant species, including several types of orchids and the rare barren strawberry.

Fun Activities for Nature Enthusiasts

Stenshuvud National Park offers a range of activities for nature enthusiasts of all ages. Hiking trails wind their way through the park, allowing visitors to explore its natural wonders at their own pace. Whether you're seeking a leisurely stroll or a more challenging hike, there are options to suit every level of fitness. Along the way, you'll encounter breathtaking viewpoints, tranquil picnic spots, and opportunities for birdwatching.

When to Visit

Stenshuvud National Park is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. Spring and summer are particularly popular, as the park comes alive with vibrant colors and the sounds of birdsong. The visitor center operates limited hours during the fall and winter months, so it's advisable to plan your visit accordingly. Winter brings a serene beauty to the park, with snow-covered landscapes and a peaceful atmosphere.


Stenshuvud National Park in Simrishamn N is a true natural wonder, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the beauty of Sweden's southeastern landscape. From the panoramic views atop Stenshuvud Hill to the diverse flora and fauna that call this park home, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're a nature lover, a hiker, or simply seeking a peaceful escape, Stenshuvud National Park is a must-visit destination.

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