Théâtre la Chocolaterie

203 rue de l'industrie, 34070 Montpellier, France

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Discover the La Chocolaterie Theater: A Haven of Laughter in Montpellier

Located in the vibrant city of Montpellier, the Théâtre la Chocolaterie is a hidden gem that promises an evening filled with laughter and entertainment. This comic theater, inspired by the famous Station Café in Paris, has been captivating audiences since its establishment in 2010. With its growing reputation, it has become a benchmark for humor and enjoyment in the city.

A Unique Experience

At Théâtre la Chocolaterie, the main focus is on providing quality shows that guarantee laughter. With a seating capacity of 140, this intimate dinner theater offers a diverse program that includes house creations, showcases, children's shows, and improv performances. Each show is carefully curated to ensure a memorable experience for the audience.

Unleash Your Laughter

One of the highlights of visiting Théâtre la Chocolaterie is the energy and enthusiasm that permeate the venue. The talented team behind the theater is dedicated to creating an atmosphere of relaxation and good humor, making every visit a delightful experience. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where laughter knows no bounds.

Fun-Filled Evenings

The theater's program features a variety of shows that cater to different tastes and preferences. From hilarious comedies to thought-provoking performances, there's something for everyone at Théâtre la Chocolaterie. And to top it all off, at the end of each show, guests are treated to a complimentary drink, a tradition that adds to the overall enjoyment of the evening.

Immerse Yourself in the Unexpected

One of the unique offerings at Théâtre la Chocolaterie is the Schnock improvisation shows. These performances are a true testament to the talent and creativity of the actors. The audience gets to participate by suggesting the title of the play, while the theater sets up a surprise backdrop for the improvisers. The result is an hour and a quarter of spontaneous comedy, orchestrated by the master of ceremonies, who can change the course of the performance at any moment.

Visit Montpellier's La Chocolaterie Theater

If you're planning a trip to Montpellier, make sure to include a visit to Théâtre la Chocolaterie in your itinerary. The theater's central location near the Arena makes it easily accessible for both locals and tourists. Whether you're looking for a night of laughter or a unique theatrical experience, this charming venue is sure to leave you with unforgettable memories.


Théâtre la Chocolaterie in Montpellier is a must-visit destination for theater enthusiasts and anyone seeking a fun-filled evening. With its reputation for delivering quality shows and its commitment to creating an atmosphere of laughter and enjoyment, this theater has become a beloved institution in the city. So, why not treat yourself to an evening of entertainment and immerse yourself in the world of Théâtre la Chocolaterie?

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