HOTEL De La Guimbarde

10 PLACE CARNOT, 25500 Morteau

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Discover the Charming Hotel De La Guimbarde in Morteau

Nestled in the heart of Morteau, a picturesque town in the Doubs region of France, lies the enchanting Hotel De La Guimbarde. This three-star hotel offers upscale accommodation and a range of amenities, making it the perfect choice for both leisure and business travelers.

A Historic Gem in the City Center

The Hotel De La Guimbarde is an emblematic building in Morteau, located in the bustling city center. Surrounded by shops, restaurants, and tourist sites, this charming hotel is ideally situated for exploring all that the area has to offer. It is also conveniently located just 200 meters from Morteau train station, making it easily accessible for travelers.

Upscale Accommodation and Modern Amenities

With 25 beautifully appointed rooms, including two suites, the Hotel De La Guimbarde offers comfortable and stylish accommodation for every guest. Each room has been recently renovated and features modern amenities such as comfortable beds, a private bathroom with a towel warmer and a choice of Italian showers or bathtubs, a work area with free Wi-Fi access, a flat-screen TV with a wide range of channels, and a welcome tray.

Relaxation and Wellness

For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, the hotel provides a dedicated wellness area. Open from 3:00 PM to 9:30 PM by reservation, guests can unwind in the sauna, jacuzzi, Norwegian shower, and relaxation area. The hotel also offers a fitness room for those who wish to maintain their exercise routine during their stay.

Explore the Natural Beauty of the Haut-Doubs

Morteau is located in the heart of the Haut-Doubs region, known for its stunning natural landscapes. Visitors can marvel at the majestic Saut du Doubs waterfall or explore the picturesque Cirque de Consolation. The area is also renowned for its traditional farming practices, with rolling hills dotted with Montbéliarde cows and charming villages with unique tiled roofs.

Immerse Yourself in History and Culture

The Hotel De La Guimbarde is situated in the heart of the Pays Horloger, an area famous for its watchmaking heritage. Visitors can delve into the history of watchmaking by visiting the nearby Museum of Clocks and Watchmaking in Morteau. The region is also home to numerous historical sites, including the Château de Belvoir, a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

When to Visit

Morteau and the Haut-Doubs region are beautiful to visit year-round. In the summer, visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and boating on the nearby lakes. In the winter, the region transforms into a winter wonderland, offering opportunities for skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.

Whether you're seeking a relaxing getaway or an adventure-filled vacation, the Hotel De La Guimbarde in Morteau is the perfect base for exploring the natural beauty, history, and culture of the Haut-Doubs region. Book your stay today and experience the charm and hospitality of this delightful hotel.

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