Moulin de Pen-Mur

allée de la cascade, 56190 Muzillac

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Discover the Traditional Art of Papermaking at Moulin de Pen-Mur in Muzillac

Located in the charming town of Muzillac in Morbihan, the Moulin de Pen-Mur is a hidden gem that offers visitors a unique opportunity to step back in time and witness the traditional methods of papermaking. As the last traditional paper business in Brittany, this historic mill has a rich history dating back to the 15th century.

A Fascinating Journey Through Time

The Moulin de Pen-Mur was originally a flour mill and was once owned by François II, the father of Duchess Anne and the last Duke of Brittany. Over the years, it changed hands several times and underwent various transformations. In the 1940s, it was transformed into a paper mill by Mr. Thibault, who later turned it into a center for bookbinding and stencil illumination. Unfortunately, the mill fell into disrepair until it was lovingly restored in 1987 by Nelly and Carlos Robert.

Witness the Art of Handmade Paper Production

Guided tours at Moulin de Pen-Mur offer a fascinating insight into the traditional methods of making paper from rags, a technique that dates back to the 18th century. Visitors can observe the Master Papetier as he reproduces ancestral gestures on original machines, meticulously crafting each sheet of handmade paper known as "Pure cloth." The exceptional quality of the paper produced here is a testament to the skill and dedication of the artisans.

Explore the Mill's Architectural Features

The Moulin de Pen-Mur is not only a place of historical significance but also boasts impressive architectural features. The mill is equipped with three hammers that were once used to process cotton and linen rags into pulp. While these original hammers are still in operation, a more modern Dutch pile has been added to increase production efficiency. The mill's press and vat are located in the same room, and visitors can even climb an external staircase to get a glimpse of the wheel.

Plan Your Visit

If you're planning a visit to Moulin de Pen-Mur, it's worth noting that the mill is open to the public from April to September. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to witness the papermaking process firsthand and learn about the mill's fascinating history. The surrounding area also offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, such as picnicking by the nearby Etang de Pen Mur or exploring the scenic hiking trails.


Moulin de Pen-Mur in Muzillac is a true hidden treasure, offering visitors a unique and immersive experience into the world of traditional papermaking. From witnessing the ancient techniques of paper production to exploring the mill's architectural features, a visit to this historic site is a journey through time. So, if you're looking for a captivating and educational experience, make sure to add Moulin de Pen-Mur to your travel itinerary when visiting Muzillac.

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