Agriturismo Bosco Principe

Cda Cornale snc, 85040 Viggianello

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Experience Authenticity and Tranquility at Agriturismo Bosco Principe in Viggianello

Nestled in the picturesque town of Viggianello, Agriturismo Bosco Principe offers a unique and immersive experience for travelers seeking tranquility and a taste of the authentic Lucan tradition. This charming agriturismo is renowned for its genuine products and true flavors, making it a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Fun Facts about Viggianello

Before we delve into the wonders of Agriturismo Bosco Principe, let's explore some fun facts about Viggianello. This small town is located in the Basilicata region of southern Italy, known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Viggianello is surrounded by the Pollino National Park, one of the largest protected areas in Europe, offering breathtaking views and endless opportunities for outdoor activities.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

One of the highlights of staying at Agriturismo Bosco Principe is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. The agriturismo is situated amidst lush greenery, with a backdrop of rolling hills and majestic mountains. Take a leisurely stroll through the surrounding countryside, breathe in the fresh air, and marvel at the stunning landscapes that surround you.

Indulge in Authentic Lucan Cuisine

Agriturismo Bosco Principe is renowned for its commitment to preserving the Lucan culinary tradition. The on-site restaurant serves up a delectable array of dishes made from locally sourced ingredients, ensuring an authentic and unforgettable dining experience. From homemade pasta to succulent meats and freshly picked vegetables, every bite is a celebration of the region's rich gastronomic heritage.

Explore the Surrounding Area

While Agriturismo Bosco Principe offers a serene retreat, there are plenty of exciting activities and attractions to explore in the surrounding area. Visit the nearby Pollino National Park, where you can embark on thrilling hiking trails, go wildlife spotting, or even try your hand at rock climbing. The park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including the majestic Apennine wolf and the rare golden eagle.

Discover the Historical Significance

Viggianello itself boasts a rich historical heritage, with traces of its past evident in its architecture and landmarks. Take a stroll through the town's charming streets and admire the traditional stone houses and ancient churches. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the impressive Castello di Viggianello, a medieval castle that offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

When to Visit

The best time to visit Agriturismo Bosco Principe and Viggianello is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild, and the landscapes are at their most vibrant. The summer months can be quite hot, but if you don't mind the heat, you'll be rewarded with longer days and the chance to enjoy outdoor activities to the fullest.

In conclusion, Agriturismo Bosco Principe in Viggianello offers a truly authentic and tranquil experience for travelers seeking a taste of the Lucan tradition. From immersing yourself in nature to indulging in mouthwatering cuisine and exploring the surrounding area's historical significance, this charming agriturismo has something for everyone. So pack your bags, escape the hustle and bustle of city life, and embark on a journey to discover the hidden gem that is Viggianello.

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