Château du Hohlandsbourg

Route des Cinq Châteaux, 68920 Wintzenheim, Alsace, France

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Discover the Majestic Château du Hohlandsbourg in Wintzenheim

Nestled in the charming commune of Wintzenheim, near Colmar in the Haut-Rhin département of France, lies the magnificent Château du Hohlandsbourg. This historic castle, perched 620 meters above sea level, offers visitors a breathtaking 360° panoramic view of the Alsace region and the Black Forest. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and a range of activities, the Château du Hohlandsbourg is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

A Glimpse into History

The construction of the Château du Hohlandsbourg dates back to 1279, commissioned by the Provost of Colmar, Siegfried de Gundolsheim. Initially built as a garrison stronghold, the castle played a crucial role in the region's defense, providing surveillance over Colmar and its surroundings. However, the castle faced turbulent times, as it was set ablaze by the townspeople of Colmar in 1281 during a revolt.

Over the centuries, the castle changed hands several times, coming under the control of the Ensisheims and later the Ribeaupierres. In the 16th century, Lazarus von Schwendi, a renowned general of the Holy Roman Empire, took ownership of the castle. Von Schwendi is said to have introduced Tokay vines from Hungary to Alsace, further enriching the region's viticulture. Under his ownership, the castle underwent significant expansion and fortification.

Architectural Marvel and Scenic Beauty

Built on a mountain summit, the Château du Hohlandsbourg boasts impressive architectural features. With its sprawling dimensions of 100 meters in length and 60 meters in width, it is the largest fortified castle in Alsace. The castle's strategic location offers visitors a captivating view of the Alsace plain, the Vosges Mountains, and on clear days, even the spire of Strasbourg Cathedral and the Swiss Alps.

Explore the Castle and its Surroundings

Today, the Château du Hohlandsbourg has been meticulously restored and transformed into a cultural center. Visitors can embark on a journey through time, exploring the castle's rich history and engaging in a variety of activities. From Easter to 11th November, the castle hosts a diverse cultural program, including exhibitions, workshops, and reenactments, providing a glimpse into the daily lives of warriors and artisans.

Plan Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to the Château du Hohlandsbourg, it is advisable to check the castle's opening hours and animation program on their official website, The castle is open to the public from April 2nd to November 13th, 2016. Whether you're traveling with family or friends, the Château du Hohlandsbourg promises an unforgettable experience, immersing you in the rich history and natural beauty of the Alsace region.


The Château du Hohlandsbourg in Wintzenheim is a true gem, offering visitors a unique blend of history, architecture, and breathtaking views. From its humble beginnings as a garrison stronghold to its transformation into a cultural center, the castle stands as a testament to the region's rich heritage. So, plan your visit, explore the castle's fascinating past, and soak in the stunning vistas that await you at the Château du Hohlandsbourg.

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