Harry's Place

Nordre Fasanvej, Frederiksberg, Denmark

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Harry's Place: A Hidden Gem in Frederiksberg

If you're looking for a unique culinary experience in Copenhagen, look no further than Harry's Place. Tucked away in the vibrant Norrebro district, this hot dog joint has become a local favorite and a must-visit for tourists seeking an authentic taste of Danish culture.

A Taste of Danish Tradition

Harry's Place has a rich history dating back to 1965 when it was founded by Harry Löfvall, a trained sausage maker. Located on Nordre Fasanvej, this iconic establishment has been serving up classic Danish dishes like Børge med Krudt (a sausage named after a prison guard) and flæskestegssandwich (roast pork sandwich) for over five decades.

The Original Danish Hot Dog Experience

When you step inside Harry's Place, you'll be transported to a bygone era. The cozy and inviting atmosphere, adorned with vintage posters and photographs, creates a nostalgic ambiance that adds to the overall charm of the place. The aroma of sizzling sausages fills the air, enticing visitors from the moment they walk in.

Mouthwatering Hot Dogs and Customizable Toppings

The star of the show at Harry's Place is, of course, the hot dogs. They offer a variety of options, from classic beef franks to gourmet sausages with unique flavor combinations. But what sets Harry's Place apart is the endless array of toppings available. From crispy onions to tangy pickles, you can customize your hot dog to your heart's content, creating a truly personalized culinary experience.

A Lively Atmosphere and Friendly Staff

Harry's Place is not just about the food; it's also about the experience. The friendly staff and lively atmosphere make it a place where locals and tourists come together, sharing stories and laughter over a delicious meal. It's a true reflection of Danish hospitality and a chance to immerse yourself in the local culture.

When to Visit Harry's Place

Harry's Place is open throughout the year, so you can satisfy your hot dog cravings anytime. However, if you want to avoid the crowds, weekdays are generally less busy. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite or enjoying a leisurely meal, Harry's Place is the perfect spot to indulge in a Danish culinary adventure.

Exploring Frederiksberg

While you're in the area, take the opportunity to explore the charming neighborhood of Frederiksberg. Known for its beautiful parks, elegant architecture, and vibrant cultural scene, Frederiksberg offers a delightful mix of history and modernity. Visit the Frederiksberg Palace and Gardens, stroll along Gammel Kongevej for some shopping, or enjoy a picnic in Frederiksberg Have.


If you're seeking an authentic Danish experience in Copenhagen, Harry's Place in Frederiksberg is a hidden gem you won't want to miss. With its rich history, mouthwatering hot dogs, and welcoming atmosphere, it's the perfect place to indulge in Danish culinary delights and immerse yourself in the local culture. So, next time you find yourself in Copenhagen, venture into the Norrebro district and discover the magic of Harry's Place. Trust me, it's a culinary adventure you won't regret.

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