Hohensalzburg Castle

Mönchsberg 34, 5020 Salzburg, Autriche
+43 662 84243011
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Discover the Majestic Hohensalzburg Castle in Salzburg

Salzburg, the picturesque Austrian city known for its rich history and stunning architecture, is home to one of the most impressive medieval castles in Europe - Hohensalzburg Castle. Perched atop the Festungsberg, this fortress offers a breathtaking 360-degree view of the city and its surroundings. Let's delve into the captivating history and remarkable features of this iconic landmark.

A Fortress Steeped in History

Hohensalzburg Castle has a fascinating history that dates back to 1077 when Archbishop Gebhard ordered its construction. Over the centuries, subsequent archbishops expanded and enhanced the fortress, resulting in the magnificent structure we see today. This fortress served as a protective stronghold for the principality and the archbishops, successfully warding off any foreign invasions throughout its existence.

Architectural Marvels

As you explore Hohensalzburg Castle, you'll be awestruck by its architectural grandeur. With a length of 250 meters and a width of 150 meters, it is one of the largest fully preserved castles in Central Europe. The castle's design showcases a blend of Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance styles, reflecting the architectural trends of different eras.

Must-See Attractions

Inside the castle, you'll find a plethora of captivating attractions. The Fortress Museum offers a glimpse into the courtly life led by the prince archbishops, displaying historical exhibits that transport you back in time. The Marionette Museum and the Museum of the Rainer Regiment provide unique insights into the past, while the historic armory houses an interactive exhibition on suits of armor and weapons.

One of the highlights of Hohensalzburg Castle is the Princes' Chambers, featuring the Princes' Hall, the Golden Chamber, and the Golden Hall. These rooms have remained virtually unchanged since 1501/1502 and boast original furnishings. The Golden Chamber, with its stunning tile stove and a simulation of the night sky adorned with gold stars, is particularly enchanting.

Panoramic Views and Magical Theatre

No visit to Hohensalzburg Castle is complete without taking in the breathtaking panoramic views from the viewing platform of the Reckturm. From here, you can marvel at the beauty of Salzburg and its surrounding landscapes. Additionally, the castle offers a unique experience with its Magical Theatre and modern media stations, adding an innovative touch to your visit.

When to Visit

Hohensalzburg Castle welcomes visitors throughout the year, with varying opening hours depending on the season. From January to April and October to December, the castle is open from 9:30 am to 5 pm. During the summer months of May to September, the castle extends its opening hours from 8:30 am to 8 pm. It's worth noting that the last admission is 30 minutes before closing time.

Plan Your Visit to Hohensalzburg Castle

To make the most of your visit, consider joining a guided tour, especially if you're part of a group of 10 or more people. These tours provide valuable insights into the castle's history and ensure you don't miss any of its hidden gems. If you prefer a quick tour of the outdoor fortress area, the free Quicktours are available daily in German and English.

Immerse Yourself in History and Beauty

Hohensalzburg Castle is a true gem in Salzburg's crown, offering a captivating journey through history and breathtaking views of the city. Whether you're a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking a memorable experience, a visit to this majestic fortress is an absolute must. So, plan your trip to Salzburg and prepare to be enchanted by the wonders of Hohensalzburg Castle.

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