Majakkapaviljonki, Vääksy

Ämmäläntie 20, 17200 Asikkala, Finland
+358 3 7662008
  • Poniedziałek: 08:00 - 19:00
  • Wtorek: 08:00 - 19:00
  • Środa: 08:00 - 19:00
  • Czwartek: 08:00 - 19:00
  • Piątek: 08:00 - 19:00
  • Sobota: 08:00 - 20:00
  • Niedziela: 08:00 - 20:00
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Majakkapaviljonki, Vääksy: A Hidden Gem in Asikkala

Nestled on the shores of Lake Päijänne, Majakkapaviljonki in Vääksy, Asikkala, is a hidden gem that offers a unique experience for visitors. This charming restaurant and marina provide a range of services, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike.

A Culinary Delight

One of the main draws of Majakkapaviljonki is its delectable cuisine. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty lunch or a cup of coffee, this restaurant has you covered. The menu features a variety of dishes, from traditional Finnish delicacies to international flavors, ensuring there's something to satisfy every palate.

A Haven for Sailors

Majakkapaviljonki is not just a restaurant; it also caters to sailors and lake-goers. The marina offers boat refueling services, allowing visitors to replenish their vessels before continuing their journey. Additionally, small maintenance work can be done here, ensuring that your boat is in top condition for your adventures on the lake.

Explore the Vääksy Canal

Situated at the end of the bustling Vääksy Canal, Majakkapaviljonki provides a perfect vantage point to observe the comings and goings of boats passing through. The canal, which connects Lake Päijänne and Lake Vesijärvi, is a popular route for boaters and offers stunning views of the surrounding nature.

Unwind in the Sauna

For those seeking relaxation, Majakkapaviljonki offers the opportunity to rent a cozy sauna pavilion. After a day of exploring the lake or indulging in delicious food, there's nothing quite like unwinding in the warmth of a traditional Finnish sauna. It's the perfect way to rejuvenate both body and mind.

Majakkapaviljonki: A Historical Landmark

Established in 1988, Majakkapaviljonki holds a special place in the history of Asikkala. Over the years, it has become a beloved gathering spot for locals and a popular destination for tourists. Its picturesque location and warm ambiance make it a must-visit spot for anyone exploring the region.

When to Visit Majakkapaviljonki

Majakkapaviljonki is a year-round destination, offering different experiences depending on the season. During the summer months, visitors can enjoy the outdoor terrace, basking in the sun while savoring a delicious meal. In the winter, the cozy interior provides a welcoming retreat from the cold, making it an ideal spot to enjoy a warm drink by the fireplace.


Majakkapaviljonki in Vääksy, Asikkala, is a true hidden gem that offers a delightful culinary experience, stunning views of the Vääksy Canal, and a range of services for sailors and lake-goers. Whether you're looking to indulge in delicious food, relax in a sauna, or simply soak in the beauty of the surroundings, Majakkapaviljonki is a must-visit destination in Asikkala. So, plan your trip and discover the charm of Majakkapaviljonki for yourself.

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