NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival

Lai 1 / Nunne 4, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 667 9500

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Experience the Magic of NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival in Tallinn

Tallinn, the charming capital of Estonia, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. One event that truly captures the essence of Tallinn's artistic spirit is the NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival. From June 1-4, 2017, this festival will bring visual theatre performances from all over the world to the stages and streets of Tallinn, creating a truly mesmerizing experience for audiences of all ages.

A Festival for Everyone

The NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival offers a diverse repertoire of programs for children, youth, and adults. It showcases internationally acclaimed shows as well as innovative productions by the NUKU Theatre. Whether you're a fan of puppetry, dance, music, visual arts, or cinema, this festival has something for everyone.

A Rich History

The roots of the NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival can be traced back to the Festival of Puppet Theatres of the Baltic Sea States, which first took place in Estonia in 1992. Over the years, the festival has evolved and expanded, becoming a prominent theatrical event in Tallinn. In 2007, the festival was renamed Tallinn Theatre Treff and gained recognition for its international program. Since 2017, the festival has taken on a new form as a biennial visual theatre festival, now known as NuQ Treff.

Captivating Performances

One of the highlights of the NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival is the wide range of captivating performances on offer. From enchanting puppet shows to mesmerizing visual theatre productions, each performance is a testament to the versatility and diversity of visual theatre. Audiences can expect to be transported to magical worlds, where imagination knows no bounds.

Beyond the Stage

The NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival is not just about watching performances; it's also a platform for practitioners to connect and exchange ideas. The festival offers workshops, lectures, and discussions, providing a unique opportunity for artists and enthusiasts to delve deeper into the world of visual theatre. Additionally, the festival club serves as a vibrant hub for networking and socializing.

When to Visit

If you're planning a trip to Tallinn, June is the perfect time to experience the NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival. The festival takes place at the beginning of June, coinciding with the Tallinn Old Town Days festival. This means you can immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Tallinn while enjoying the visual delights of the NuQ Treff festival.


The NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival in Tallinn is a must-visit event for anyone seeking a unique and enchanting cultural experience. With its diverse program, captivating performances, and opportunities for artistic exchange, this festival truly showcases the magic of visual theatre. So mark your calendars and get ready to be amazed by the talent and creativity on display at the NuQ Treff Visual Theatre Festival in Tallinn.

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