Pasha Pegasus Casino

Bul.Balgaria 89, 6500 Svilengrade, Khaskovo, Bulgaria
+359 37 971 000

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Discover the Excitement at Pasha Pegasus Casino in Svilengrade

Nestled in the heart of Svilengrade, just 11 km from the Turkish border and 8 km from the Greek border, Pasha Pegasus Casino offers an unforgettable experience for both locals and tourists. As part of the renowned Pasha Group Company, this casino guarantees professionalism, quality, and a high level of service. Let's dive into the captivating world of Pasha Pegasus Casino and explore what makes it a must-visit destination.

Fun Facts about Pasha Pegasus Casino

  • Pasha Pegasus Casino is part of a large chain of casinos and hotels operated by the Pasha Group Company, known for its commitment to excellence in the entertainment industry.
  • The casino boasts a friendly and elegant atmosphere, creating the perfect ambiance for an exciting night out.
  • With its strategic location near the borders, Pasha Pegasus Casino attracts visitors from both Turkey and Greece, making it a melting pot of cultures and experiences.

Things to Do and See

  1. Gaming Excitement: Pasha Pegasus Casino offers a wide range of gaming options, including slot machines, roulette, blackjack, and poker. Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

  1. Live Entertainment: The casino frequently hosts live entertainment events, featuring talented performers and musicians. From live music to dance shows, these performances add an extra touch of glamour to your casino experience.

  1. Fine Dining: Indulge in a culinary journey at the casino's exquisite restaurant. With a diverse menu of international and local dishes, you can savor delicious meals prepared by skilled chefs. The restaurant also offers a selection of fine wines and cocktails to complement your dining experience.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

While Pasha Pegasus Casino is primarily known for its entertainment offerings, it also holds historical significance. Svilengrade itself has a rich history, dating back to ancient times. The town has witnessed the rise and fall of various civilizations, leaving behind a tapestry of architectural wonders.

The casino's architecture blends seamlessly with the town's historical charm. Its elegant design and modern facilities create a unique juxtaposition, making it a standout landmark in Svilengrade.

When to Visit

Pasha Pegasus Casino welcomes visitors year-round, offering entertainment and excitement regardless of the season. However, if you prefer a more vibrant atmosphere, consider visiting during weekends or special events when the casino is bustling with energy.


Pasha Pegasus Casino in Svilengrade is a destination that combines entertainment, history, and luxury. With its wide range of gaming options, live entertainment, and fine dining experiences, it promises an unforgettable time for all who visit. So, whether you're a seasoned gambler or simply seeking a night of fun and glamour, make sure to include Pasha Pegasus Casino in your travel itinerary.

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