The Monument Beacon of Happiness, Anykščiai

G46F+Q5 Anykščiai, Anykščiai District Municipality, Lithuania

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The Monument Beacon of Happiness: A Literary Tribute in Anykščiai

Located in the charming town of Anykščiai, Lithuania, The Monument Beacon of Happiness (Laimės Švyturys) stands as a powerful tribute to the renowned Lithuanian writer, Jonas Biliūnas. This magnificent monument not only commemorates the life and works of Biliūnas but also offers visitors a glimpse into the rich literary history of the region.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

Jonas Biliūnas, a prominent writer, poet, and key figure in the national awakening of Lithuania, played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Monument Beacon of Happiness, also known as the "Light of Happiness," serves as a tombstone monument for Biliūnas on the hill of Liudiškės.

The monument, erected in 1958, stands tall at 14 meters and is constructed using intricately carved stones sourced from the surrounding area of Anykščiai. Designed by architect Vytautas Gabriūnas, the monument's impressive stature and unique craftsmanship make it a sight to behold.

Fun Facts and Things to Do

  1. Literary Connection: The monument is inspired by Biliūnas' fairy tale, "The Light of Happiness." In this enchanting story, a magical glowing inscription appears on top of a high mountain, promising happiness to those who climb it but turning them into stone upon touching the inscription.

  1. Breathtaking Views: The hill of Liudiškės, where the monument is located, offers visitors a panoramic view of the picturesque surroundings of Anykščiai. Take a moment to soak in the beauty of the landscape and appreciate the tranquility of the area.

  1. Explore Anykščiai: Anykščiai is a resort town known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage. While visiting the Monument Beacon of Happiness, take the opportunity to explore other attractions in the area. Visit the Roman Catholic Church of St. Matthias, the tallest church in Lithuania, or explore the enchanting Anykščių šilelis (The Forest of Anykščiai), which inspired the famous poem by Antanas Baranauskas.

When to Visit

The Monument Beacon of Happiness is a year-round attraction, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the literary history of Lithuania. However, the best time to visit Anykščiai and the monument is during the summer months when the weather is pleasant, and the surrounding nature is in full bloom.


The Monument Beacon of Happiness in Anykščiai is not only a tribute to Jonas Biliūnas but also a symbol of Lithuania's rich literary heritage. Its historical significance, architectural beauty, and breathtaking views make it a must-visit destination for literature enthusiasts and travelers alike. So, plan your trip to Anykščiai and experience the magic of this remarkable monument for yourself.

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