VILLA IRIS Residenza per Anziani

Via Sozzi 3, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno

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Discover the Tranquil Oasis of VILLA IRIS Residenza per Anziani in Casalecchio di Reno

Nestled in the picturesque town of Casalecchio di Reno, just a stone's throw away from Bologna, lies the serene and inviting VILLA IRIS Residenza per Anziani. With over 60 years of experience in the geriatric care sector, this elderly residence offers a warm and compassionate environment for its residents.

A Modern Approach to Geriatric Care

VILLA IRIS Residenza per Anziani is a private socio-assistance facility that caters to the needs of elderly individuals. The residence is managed in accordance with the latest principles of geriatric care, ensuring that each resident receives the highest level of support and attention.

A Home Away from Home

VILLA IRIS is equipped to accommodate seniors with varying levels of independence, from those who are fully self-sufficient to those who require partial or full assistance. The residence boasts a beautiful garden adorned with ancient trees, providing a tranquil space for residents to relax and unwind.

Specialized Services and Compassionate Care

At VILLA IRIS, residents can expect specialized services and round-the-clock assistance from a qualified and dedicated team. The staff takes great care in attending to the needs of each individual with attentiveness, sensitivity, and respect.

Explore the Surrounding Beauty

Casalecchio di Reno, with its lush greenery and charming atmosphere, serves as the perfect backdrop for VILLA IRIS. The residence is surrounded by a park filled with century-old trees, creating a serene and idyllic setting. Residents can enjoy leisurely walks or simply bask in the tranquility of their surroundings.

Embrace the Concept of a "Casa Protetta"

VILLA IRIS is more than just a care facility; it is a "casa protetta" designed to meet the needs of non-self-sufficient elderly individuals. The specialized staff at VILLA IRIS is available 24/7 to cater to the needs of residents, ensuring their comfort and well-being.

Plan Your Visit to VILLA IRIS

Whether you are considering long-term or short-term care for yourself or a loved one, VILLA IRIS Residenza per Anziani is the perfect choice. The residence offers a range of healthcare and socio-assistance services, ensuring that residents receive the comprehensive care they deserve.


VILLA IRIS Residenza per Anziani in Casalecchio di Reno is a haven of tranquility and compassionate care for the elderly. With its beautiful surroundings, specialized services, and dedicated staff, it provides a warm and welcoming home away from home. Whether you are seeking care for yourself or a loved one, VILLA IRIS offers a supportive and nurturing environment that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of its residents.

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