Museo della Cattedrale di Ragusa

Corso Italia, 87, 97100 Ragusa, Italy
+39 0932 621599

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Discover the Treasures of Museo della Cattedrale di Ragusa in Ragusa

Nestled in the heart of Ragusa, the Museo della Cattedrale di Ragusa, also known as the Museum of the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista, is a hidden gem that showcases the rich religious and cultural heritage of the city. Established in 1998, this museum is housed in a magnificent palace that exudes elegance and grandeur, reflecting the architectural style of the 18th century.

Unveiling the Sacred Art

As you step into the museum, you will be greeted by seven exhibition halls that house a remarkable collection of sacred furnishings, religious objects, paintings, and statues. Each room tells a unique story, taking you on a journey through different periods of history.

A Glimpse into the Past

The first room is dedicated to the period before the devastating earthquake that struck the Noto Valley in 1693. Here, you can admire the exquisite craftsmanship of a 14th-century relic case of St. George, intricately crafted with ivory and inlaid wood by a renowned Venetian workshop. Another highlight is the silver ciborium from the 14th century, along with a precious corporal bag embroidered in gold and coral, depicting the legend of the Phoenix.

Paying Homage to the Patron Saint

The second room is dedicated to St. John the Baptist, the patron saint of Ragusa. Here, you can marvel at the reliquary chest, known as the "Holy Ark," built in 1731. Embedded within are the reliquary plate with the head of the Baptist from 1641, which houses a tooth of the saint, and the reliquary bust of St. Magdalene from the 17th century.

Baroque Splendor

The third and fourth rooms showcase altar furnishings and vestments from the Baroque period. Admire the Repository from the late 18th century and several goblets, but the true highlight is the collection of 14 paintings depicting the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross) by Stefano Boy, recently restored to their former glory.

Neoclassical Elegance

Step into the fifth room, dedicated to the Neoclassical period, and be captivated by the sacred vestments made from fine silk fabrics embroidered in gold and silver. The wallpapers, varying in color according to the Liturgical Calendar, are characterized by their preciousness and refined motifs.

Marian Devotion

The sixth room is a tribute to the Marian cult, displaying crowns, paintings, and a precious processional banner from the late 19th century, belonging to the Brotherhood of Ragusa Heart of Mary Medal.

A Testament to Modern Times

The last room houses sacred objects specially made in the 1950s, after the establishment of the Diocese of Ragusa. Admire the intricately designed rings, episcopal crosses, and a precious silk Mitra embroidered in gold from the 19th century.

Plan Your Visit

The Museo della Cattedrale di Ragusa is a must-visit destination for art and history enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the beauty and sacredness of the objects on display, which are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Ragusa. The museum is conveniently located in the historic center of Ragusa, making it easily accessible for visitors.

To make the most of your visit, consider exploring the nearby attractions, such as the stunning Ragusa Ibla, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its charming streets and Baroque architecture. Don't forget to indulge in the local cuisine, which is renowned for its delicious flavors and fresh ingredients.

Whether you are a history buff, an art lover, or simply seeking a unique cultural experience, the Museo della Cattedrale di Ragusa promises to leave you in awe. Plan your visit today and uncover the hidden treasures of Ragusa's rich heritage.

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