Santuario Santa Maria della Libera

C.da Convento, 86012 Cercemaggiore

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Discover the Enchanting Santuario Santa Maria della Libera in Cercemaggiore

Nestled in the charming town of Cercemaggiore, Italy, the Santuario Santa Maria della Libera is a hidden gem that captivates visitors with its rich history and stunning architectural features. This sacred sanctuary holds a special place in the hearts of locals and tourists alike, offering a unique glimpse into the region's cultural heritage.

A Historical Marvel

The Santuario Santa Maria della Libera dates back to the late 15th century when it was founded by Alberico Carafa and Giovannella di Molise, the feudal lords of the area. Over the centuries, the original building underwent several transformations, eventually reaching its current dimensions of 37 meters in length and 12.54 meters in width.

Architectural Delights

During the restoration works carried out between 2011 and 2013, the Santuario Santa Maria della Libera regained its former glory. The facade, designed by architect Antonio Pierro di Saviano in 1919-20, was faithfully recreated, featuring protruding pilasters, an iron rose window, and a crowning statue. The entrance portal, adorned with Renaissance elements, still bears the inscription indicating the dates 1412, the year of the discovery of the wooden statue of the Madonna della Libera, and 1500, the year the sanctuary's construction was completed.

Inside, the sanctuary boasts a single nave flanked by five chapels on each side. The absence of a transept allows for a direct connection between the nave and the deep choir. The walls are adorned with Ionic pilasters supporting an equally Ionic entablature, while the barrel vault ceiling, decorated with rosettes and oak leaf stuccos, was replaced in 1858. Notably, a faux oval dome is set above the last chapels near the main altar, embellished with stuccos depicting the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, floral motifs, and angel heads.

Spiritual Significance

The Santuario Santa Maria della Libera holds immense spiritual significance for the local community. It is home to the wooden statue of the Madonna della Libera, discovered in 1412, which is believed to possess miraculous powers. Pilgrims from far and wide visit the sanctuary to seek solace, offer prayers, and witness the divine presence that emanates from this sacred place.

When to Visit

To fully appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the Santuario Santa Maria della Libera, plan your visit during the annual celebration of the discovery of the wooden statue. The VI centenary of this momentous event was commemorated from July 2, 2012, to July 2, 2013, with special ceremonies and festivities. However, the sanctuary is open year-round, allowing visitors to explore its architectural wonders and experience a sense of serenity at any time.

Nearby Attractions

While in Cercemaggiore, take the opportunity to explore the town's picturesque streets and immerse yourself in its authentic Italian charm. Visit the nearby medieval castle, Castello di Cercemaggiore, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Additionally, the region is known for its delicious cuisine, so be sure to indulge in local specialties such as handmade pasta, cured meats, and flavorful cheeses.


The Santuario Santa Maria della Libera in Cercemaggiore is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts, architecture lovers, and spiritual seekers. Its centuries-old charm, awe-inspiring design, and cultural significance make it a truly enchanting place to explore. Whether you're drawn to its religious heritage or simply seeking a tranquil escape, this sanctuary promises an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression.

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