Museo del Tesoro di San Placido

Via San Giovanni di Malta n. 2, 98121 Messina, Italy

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Discover the Hidden Treasures of Museo del Tesoro di San Placido in Messina

Nestled in the heart of the historic city of Messina, the Museo del Tesoro di San Placido is a hidden gem that offers a fascinating glimpse into the rich history, art, and culture of the region. This captivating museum, located within the Church of St. John of Malta, is a must-visit destination for history buffs, art enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the vibrant heritage of Sicily.

Unveiling the Historical Significance

The Church of St. John of Malta, dating back to the 6th century, holds immense historical significance. It was founded by San Placido, a disciple of St. Benedict, who established the first Benedictine monastery in Sicily on the ruins of a Roman necropolis. Tragically, San Placido and his companions were martyred by Arian pirates in 541, adding a layer of religious significance to the site.

Architectural Marvels

Despite the ravages of time and natural disasters, the Church of St. John of Malta has managed to preserve its architectural splendor. The exterior boasts a monumental 16th-century design by Jacopo del Duca, featuring a combination of brick and stone pilasters. Step inside, and you'll be greeted by an interior that showcases the surviving portion of the old presbytery, adorned with elegant stucco and frescoes from the early 17th century.

Exploring the Museum's Treasures

The Museo del Tesoro di San Placido houses a remarkable collection of artifacts that span several centuries. As you wander through the museum, you'll encounter a captivating display of silverware from the 16th to the 19th century, ancient silk vestments, paintings, and sculptures. Highlights include the bubble of Pope Sixtus V from 1588, talking heads reliquaries of the four martyred brothers, and the reliquaria casket of Saint Placido crafted by Patti Artale in 1616.

Fun Facts and Nearby Attractions

Did you know that the Museo del Tesoro di San Placido is also the final resting place of the renowned mathematician and astronomer Francesco Maurolico? His marble tomb, adorned with a splendid 16th-century bust by sculptor Rinaldo Bonanno, can be found in the Chapel of the SS. Sacramento.

While exploring the museum, take a moment to admire the eighteenth-century tomb of Andrea Di Giovanni in the inner courtyard. This remarkable structure, along with several marble fragments, adds to the overall charm of the museum.

When to Visit

The Museo del Tesoro di San Placido is open to visitors throughout the year, allowing you to explore its treasures at your convenience. However, if you want to experience the museum during a particularly special time, plan your visit between March 21 and August 4, 2016. During this period, the Church of St. John of Malta is hosting a significant jubilee year to commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the birth of the Martyr Messinese San Placido.


The Museo del Tesoro di San Placido in Messina is a captivating destination that offers a unique blend of history, art, and culture. From its historical significance to its architectural marvels and impressive collection of treasures, this museum is a testament to the rich heritage of Sicily. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply seeking to immerse yourself in the beauty of the region, a visit to this hidden gem is sure to leave you awe-inspired.

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