Museum of Pharmacy Sibiu

Piața Mică 26 Ground Floor, Sibiu 550182, Romania

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Discover the Fascinating History of Pharmacy at the Museum of Pharmacy Sibiu in Sibiu

Located in the heart of Sibiu, the Museum of Pharmacy offers a unique glimpse into the world of medicine and pharmaceuticals throughout history. Housed in a 16th-century Gothic townhouse, this museum is a rare gem, with only a few similar establishments in Romania and Europe. Let's dive into the captivating history and attractions of the Museum of Pharmacy Sibiu.

A Journey Through Time

Step inside the Museum of Pharmacy Sibiu and be transported back in time. The building itself is a historical and architectural monument, dating back to 1568, with Gothic and Renaissance elements. It was once home to the oldest pharmacy in Romania, known as "La Ursul Negru" or "The Black Bear."

Explore the Exhibits

The museum's collection boasts over 6,600 exhibits, spanning from the 16th to the 19th centuries. These artifacts were sourced from pharmacies, medical institutions, and private individuals across the country. As you wander through the museum, you'll encounter a variety of fascinating displays.

The Office: A Glimpse into the Past

The first room you'll encounter is the office, which accurately recreates the atmosphere of a traditional pharmacy. The furniture, specially ordered and produced in Vienna in 1902, showcases the medicinal products of the time. One standout exhibit is a bronze pestle dating back to 1597, the oldest object in the collection.

Surgical Instruments and Medical Tools

As you continue your journey, a narrow corridor leads you to the second room, where an array of medical instruments and surgical kits are on display. Scissors, microscopes, and illustrations from old documents and publications provide insight into the medical practices of the past.

The Pharmaceutical Laboratory

The highlight of the museum is undoubtedly the pharmaceutical laboratory. Here, you can witness the complexity of the medicine preparation process and its evolution over time. Balances of various types, glass retorts, and iron presses from the 15th to the 19th century showcase the advancements in pharmaceutical science.

Homeopathy Exhibition

A special room within the museum is dedicated to homeopathy, honoring Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy. Hahnemann is believed to have developed many early ideas that led to homeopathy in Sibiu. Original plans and instruments used by Hahnemann are on display, providing a unique insight into this alternative medical practice.

When to Visit

The Museum of Pharmacy Sibiu is open year-round, allowing visitors to explore its captivating exhibits at any time. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a medical professional, or simply curious about the evolution of medicine, this museum offers a fascinating journey through time.

Nearby Attractions

After immersing yourself in the world of pharmacy, take the opportunity to explore the charming city of Sibiu. Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Sibiu offers a wealth of attractions, including the Brukenthal National Museum, the Council Tower, and the picturesque Piata Mare (Big Square).


The Museum of Pharmacy Sibiu is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the history of medicine and pharmaceuticals. With its extensive collection of exhibits, ranging from ancient surgical tools to homeopathic instruments, this museum provides a captivating journey through time. So, plan your visit to Sibiu and uncover the secrets of the past at the Museum of Pharmacy.

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