Ristorante "Il Faro" Rodello

Via Tagliata, 12, 12050 Alba, Italy

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Discover the Authentic Flavors of Piedmont at Ristorante "Il Faro" Rodello in Alba

Nestled in the heart of the picturesque town of Alba, Ristorante "Il Faro" Rodello is a culinary gem that has been delighting locals and visitors alike since 1970. With its focus on traditional Piedmontese dishes and commitment to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, this charming restaurant offers a truly authentic dining experience.

A Taste of Piedmont

One of the highlights of Ristorante "Il Faro" Rodello is its dedication to showcasing the rich flavors of Piedmontese cuisine. From the moment you step inside, you'll be greeted by the enticing aromas of freshly prepared dishes that pay homage to the region's culinary heritage.

The menu at "Il Faro" features a wide range of traditional Piedmontese dishes, including the famous Tajarin pasta, made with fresh eggs and served with a rich meat sauce. Other must-try dishes include the hearty Brasato al Barolo, a tender beef stew cooked in the region's renowned Barolo wine, and the delicate Vitello Tonnato, thinly sliced veal served with a creamy tuna sauce.

Locally Sourced, Fresh Ingredients

At "Il Faro," the quality of the ingredients is of utmost importance. The restaurant prides itself on sourcing its products from local suppliers, ensuring that only the freshest and most genuine ingredients make their way onto your plate. This commitment to using locally sourced ingredients not only supports the local economy but also guarantees an authentic and flavorful dining experience.

Immerse Yourself in Alba's Rich History

Alba, the town where "Il Faro" is located, is steeped in history and offers a wealth of attractions for visitors to explore. Known as the "Capital of the Langhe," Alba is famous for its truffles, wine, and medieval architecture.

While in Alba, be sure to visit the historic city center, where you can wander through narrow cobblestone streets and admire the beautifully preserved medieval buildings. Don't miss the chance to explore the Alba Cathedral, a stunning example of Gothic architecture that dates back to the 12th century.

When to Visit

Alba is a year-round destination, each season offering its own unique charm. If you're a food lover, plan your visit during the truffle season, which runs from October to December. During this time, the town comes alive with truffle festivals and markets, offering the opportunity to taste and purchase these prized delicacies.

For wine enthusiasts, the autumn months are the perfect time to visit, as the vineyards surrounding Alba are ablaze with vibrant colors. Take a leisurely drive through the countryside, stopping at local wineries to sample the region's renowned Barolo and Barbaresco wines.


Ristorante "Il Faro" Rodello in Alba is a culinary haven that captures the essence of Piedmontese cuisine. With its commitment to using locally sourced ingredients and its dedication to preserving the region's culinary traditions, this charming restaurant offers a truly authentic dining experience. Combined with Alba's rich history and picturesque surroundings, a visit to "Il Faro" is a must for any traveler seeking to immerse themselves in the flavors and culture of Piedmont.

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