Corte Coppedè Market Roma

Via Tagliamento, 6, 00198 Roma RM, Italia

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Discover the Charming Corte Coppedè Market in Roma

If you're looking for a unique and enchanting shopping experience in Rome, look no further than the Corte Coppedè Market. Nestled in the historic Coppedè district, this market takes place every Saturday and Sunday of the month, offering visitors a delightful array of vintage clothes, jewelry, bijoux, cachemire, and leather goods.

A Historical Gem

The Corte Coppedè Market is held in the courtyard of the Argentine Church of Santa Maria Addolorata, located in Via Tagliamento 6. This picturesque setting is part of the splendid Liberty-style architecture that characterizes the Coppedè district. The district itself is known for its intricate and mysterious decorations, making it a favorite spot for movie sets.

Architectural Marvels

As you explore the Coppedè district, you'll be captivated by the unique architectural features that adorn the buildings. The district is home to numerous embassies, including the diplomatic office of Morocco and the embassies of the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, and the Ivory Coast. The famous Spider Palace, located next to the Moroccan embassy, adds an air of intrigue to the area.

Shopping Delights

The Corte Coppedè Market offers a treasure trove of handmade crafts, small antiques, artisanal jewelry, cashmere knitwear, and high-quality clothing and leather goods. You'll also find exquisite Tuscan linens, home decor creations, wool, cashmere, and silk scarves, as well as finely crafted bags and accessories. Whether you're searching for a unique souvenir or a stylish addition to your wardrobe, this market has something for everyone.

Fun Facts

  • The Corte Coppedè Market takes place from September to June, excluding the summer months.
  • The market is a popular destination for both locals and tourists, attracting a diverse crowd of shoppers.
  • The market vendors include artisans, antique dealers, and merchants from Forte dei Marmi to Rome, creating a vibrant and eclectic atmosphere.

When to Visit

To experience the magic of the Corte Coppedè Market, plan your visit for a Saturday or Sunday between September and June. The market opens its doors from 9 am to 7 pm, allowing ample time to browse the stalls and discover unique treasures. However, it's important to note that the market is closed during the summer months, so plan your trip accordingly.

Explore the Corte Coppedè Market

Immerse yourself in the charm and beauty of the Corte Coppedè Market in Rome's Coppedè district. From its historical significance to its architectural marvels and unique shopping offerings, this market is a must-visit for any traveler seeking an authentic and enchanting experience. So, grab your shopping bags and get ready to discover the hidden gems of the Corte Coppedè Market.

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