MEC Museo en los cerros

Huichaira, 4624 Tilcara

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Tilcara: MEC Museo en los cerros

Tucked away in the breathtaking landscapes of Tilcara, Argentina, lies a hidden gem that photography enthusiasts and art lovers alike will find irresistible - MEC Museo en los cerros. This unique museum, located at an altitude of 2700 meters, offers a captivating experience that is unlike anything you've ever seen before.

A Journey Off the Beaten Path

Getting to MEC Museo en los cerros is an adventure in itself. The museum advises visitors to take caution while navigating the precarious path along the Huichaira River. During the rainy season, which typically falls between December and March, reaching the museum may require walking or horseback riding. It's always a good idea to check ahead before planning your visit. But trust me, the effort is well worth it.

A Photographer's Paradise

Founded by Lucio Boschi, a renowned photographer born in Vicente López, MEC Museo en los cerros is a testament to his love for the Andean worldview. Boschi, who had traveled extensively across the globe, found solace and inspiration in the simplicity of the land and the silence that surrounds it. He decided to settle in Tilcara in the late 1990s, living without modern amenities like electricity, gas, or computers.

A Unique Collection

The museum's collection consists of photographs donated by the artists themselves or their direct relatives, supporting the idea of preserving and sharing the creative acts of the people. MEC Museo en los cerros aims to provide a permanent showcase of Argentine photography in the northern region of the country, where inspiration is abundant.

A Space of Stone and Adobe

As you approach the museum, you'll be greeted by a rustic structure made of stone, adobe, and cane. This architectural choice reflects the museum's desire to blend seamlessly with the surrounding natural environment. The doors of MEC Museo en los cerros open wide, inviting visitors to step into a world where art and nature intertwine.

Immerse Yourself in the Experience

MEC Museo en los cerros offers more than just a passive viewing experience. It is a didactic and interactive museum, designed to engage visitors of all ages. Explore the various exhibitions, learn about the history of Argentine photography, and immerse yourself in the captivating stories behind each image.

When to Visit

While the museum does not have regular opening hours, you can contact Josefina if you wish to visit outside of the designated times. Keep in mind that MEC Museo en los cerros operates on a "come as you are" basis, with no promotional signs or advertisements. It's a place where those who truly seek it will find it.

Unveil the Beauty of MEC Museo en los cerros

MEC Museo en los cerros is a hidden treasure nestled in the heart of Tilcara. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of Argentine photography while surrounded by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Andean region. So, if you're a photography enthusiast or simply seeking a one-of-a-kind cultural experience, make sure to add MEC Museo en los cerros to your travel itinerary. Just remember to check the weather conditions and plan your visit accordingly.

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