Københavner Cafeen

Badstuestræde 10, 1209 København
+45 33 32 80 81
  • Poniedziałek: 11:30 - 17:00
  • Wtorek: 11:30 - 23:00
  • Środa: 11:30 - 23:00
  • Czwartek: 11:30 - 23:00
  • Piątek: 11:30 - 23:00
  • Sobota: 11:30 - 00:00
  • Niedziela: 11:30 - 00:00
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Discover the Authentic Danish Cuisine at Københavner Cafeen in København

If you're looking to experience the true essence of Danish cuisine in København, look no further than Københavner Cafeen. This charming and authentic Danish restaurant is located in one of København's cozy little streets, offering a delightful culinary journey through traditional Danish dishes.

A Taste of History

Københavner Cafeen has a rich history that dates back to the Middle Ages. In those times, the building housed a sauna, which was frequented by both high and low-ranking individuals. It served as a meeting place for friends and acquaintances, where food and drink were also served. After the sauna was shut down, the building became a place of gathering and continued to serve as a venue for dining until it was destroyed by fire in 1795.

The current building, constructed in 1798-99 in neoclassical style, has seen various uses over the years. It was transformed into a French café-style establishment in the 1950s and 60s. However, it wasn't until 1983 that Københavner Cafeen was established as a classic Danish eatery. Under the direction of proprietor Johnny Hougaaard, the cafe exudes an archetypal Danish cellar pub ambiance, with its sturdy walls, dark-colored tables, and dimmed lighting.

Traditional Danish Delights

At Københavner Cafeen, you can indulge in the classic Danish smørrebrød (open-faced sandwiches) and other traditional Danish dishes. The menu is dominated by the delicious and artfully crafted smørrebrød, made from fresh, seasonal ingredients carefully selected by their kitchen chef. Each dish is a testament to the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into creating these culinary masterpieces.

The restaurant's philosophy revolves around using high-quality local ingredients to create exceptional Danish cuisine. From the first bite, you can taste the love and experience that goes into each dish. The result is a plate filled with beautifully presented, mouthwatering creations that will leave you craving for more.

When to Visit

Københavner Cafeen is a popular spot for both locals and tourists alike. Business people, politicians, and regulars frequent the establishment, creating a diverse and lively atmosphere. The cafe has also become a favorite among Swedish and Norwegian tourists, drawn to its authentic Danish dining experience.

Whether you're visiting for lunch or dinner, Københavner Cafeen is sure to satisfy your cravings for traditional Danish cuisine. So, make sure to add this charming restaurant to your itinerary when exploring the vibrant streets of København.


Københavner Cafeen offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culinary heritage of Denmark. With its historical significance, cozy ambiance, and mouthwatering dishes, this authentic Danish restaurant is a must-visit for any food lover. So, don't miss the chance to experience the true taste of Denmark at Københavner Cafeen in København.

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