Altes Kino Bottrop

Hochstrasse 16, 46236 Bottrop, Germany

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Experience the Magic of Altes Kino Bottrop in Bottrop

If you're looking for a unique and exciting nightlife experience in Bottrop, look no further than Altes Kino Bottrop. This vibrant venue, located at High Street 16, has been entertaining locals and visitors since its opening on September 2, 2011. With its eclectic music selection and lively atmosphere, Altes Kino Bottrop is the perfect place to let loose, have fun, and meet new people.

A Musical Journey Through Time

One of the highlights of Altes Kino Bottrop is its diverse music selection. Whether you're a fan of the latest chart-toppers, a nostalgic lover of 80's and 90's hits, or a fan of house, electro, disco, or rock music, this venue has got you covered. The DJs at Altes Kino Bottrop know how to keep the dance floor packed and the energy high, ensuring a memorable night out.

Convenient Location and Directions

Finding Altes Kino Bottrop is a breeze, thanks to its convenient location in the heart of Bottrop. If you're arriving by car, simply take the A42 and exit at Bottrop Süd. From there, follow the Essenerstrasse and turn left onto Prosperstrasse. You'll find ample parking at the C&A parking lot, just a short walk away from the club.

For those using public transportation, the Bottrop HBF is the closest train station. From there, you can take a bus to the Pferdemarkt station and walk a short distance to Altes Kino Bottrop. Alternatively, if you're at the ZOB Bottrop, a quick walk through the city center will lead you to the club.

A Historic Venue with Architectural Charm

Altes Kino Bottrop is not just a place to dance and have fun; it also holds historical significance. The venue is housed in a former cinema, which adds to its unique charm. The architectural features of the building, such as the grand entrance and the spacious interior, create an atmosphere that is both nostalgic and inviting.

When to Visit Altes Kino Bottrop

Altes Kino Bottrop is open on select nights, so it's important to check their website or social media pages for the latest information on upcoming events. The club often hosts themed parties and special events, so you can plan your visit accordingly. Whether you're looking for a wild night out or a laid-back evening with friends, Altes Kino Bottrop offers something for everyone.


Altes Kino Bottrop is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an unforgettable nightlife experience in Bottrop. With its diverse music selection, convenient location, and historic charm, this venue promises a night of fun, dancing, and making memories. So, grab your friends, put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience the magic of Altes Kino Bottrop.

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