Librairie boutique du musée Dapper

35 bis avenue Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris, France

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Librairie boutique du musée Dapper in Paris

If you're a book lover and find yourself in Paris, there's a hidden gem that you must visit - Librairie boutique du musée Dapper. Located in the heart of the city, this bookstore offers a unique collection of books, accessories, and decorative objects that celebrate the rich culture and heritage of Africa and its diasporas.

A World of Books and More

Librairie boutique du musée Dapper is not your average bookstore. It is a treasure trove of knowledge and art, offering a wide selection of books from Dapper editions as well as works from other publishers dedicated to Africa and its diasporas. Whether you're interested in art, history, anthropology, or children's books, you'll find something that piques your curiosity.

But it doesn't stop at books. The boutique also offers a selection of postcards and posters related to exhibitions, CDs, jewelry, and accessories. You'll be captivated by the original creations made from bronze, silver, pearls, and other materials that reflect the richness and diversity of African culture.

A Cultural Haven

Librairie boutique du musée Dapper is more than just a bookstore. It is a cultural haven that celebrates the beauty and diversity of Africa. The museum itself, located adjacent to the bookstore, showcases a remarkable collection of African art and artifacts. The bookstore complements the museum's mission by offering a curated selection of books that delve deeper into the history, art, and culture of the continent.

Fun Facts and Historical Significance

Did you know that Librairie boutique du musée Dapper was founded in 1986 by Michel Leveau? Leveau was a passionate collector of African art and wanted to share his love for the continent's culture with the world. The bookstore was an extension of the museum, providing visitors with the opportunity to take a piece of African culture home with them.

When to Visit

The bookstore is open from 11 am to 7 pm, making it the perfect place to visit during your Parisian adventure. However, it is closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so plan your visit accordingly. Whether you're exploring the museum or simply browsing the shelves of the bookstore, Librairie boutique du musée Dapper is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in African culture and art.


Librairie boutique du musée Dapper is a hidden gem in Paris that offers a unique and enriching experience for book lovers and culture enthusiasts alike. With its vast collection of books, accessories, and decorative objects, it is a haven for those seeking to explore the rich heritage of Africa and its diasporas. So, make sure to add this captivating bookstore to your Paris itinerary and immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of African culture.

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