Muzeum OdBudowy

ul. Jazdów 3/6, 00-467 Warsaw, Poland

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Discover the Fascinating World of Muzeum OdBudowy in Warsaw

If you're a history and architecture enthusiast, then Muzeum OdBudowy in Warsaw is a must-visit destination. This new museum, created on the initiative of the Warsaw branch of the Society for the Care of Monuments, focuses on the theme of Warsaw's architecture and development over the years. Let's dive into the captivating world of Muzeum OdBudowy and explore what makes it a unique attraction in the heart of Warsaw.

Historical Significance and Architectural Features

Muzeum OdBudowy, which translates to "Museum of Reconstruction," showcases the development and transformation of Warsaw's architecture, particularly after 1945. The museum highlights the activity of the Capital Rebuilding Office and the architects who designed postwar projects that have become permanent fixtures in the city's landscape.

Inside the museum, you'll find a treasure trove of documents, architectural designs, and archival photographs of both existing and no longer existing architectural objects. The exhibits are organized chronologically, allowing visitors to trace the history of Warsaw's architecture and understand the city's transformation over time.

Fun Facts and Things to See

One of the highlights of Muzeum OdBudowy is the exhibition dedicated to the reconstruction of the Old Town, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. This exhibition showcases the remarkable efforts that went into rebuilding the historic heart of Warsaw after its destruction during World War II. You'll find fascinating photographs and even a reconstructed architectural studio from the 1950s and 1960s.

Apart from the exhibitions, Muzeum OdBudowy also organizes lectures, presentations, and social debates on various topics related to Warsaw's architecture. These events provide a deeper understanding of the city's development plans, spatial layout, and the preservation of historic buildings.

When to Visit

Muzeum OdBudowy is open from Wednesday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and on weekends from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission to the museum is free on Thursdays, making it an ideal day to explore this architectural gem without breaking the bank.

To make the most of your visit, consider combining your trip to Muzeum OdBudowy with a stroll through Warsaw's Old Town. The museum is conveniently located on Brzozowa Street, just a stone's throw away from the historic district. Immerse yourself in the rich history and stunning architecture of the area as you explore the cobblestone streets, charming cafes, and picturesque squares.


Muzeum OdBudowy offers a captivating journey through Warsaw's architectural history. From the reconstruction of the Old Town to the postwar projects that have shaped the city's skyline, this museum provides a unique perspective on Warsaw's development. Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply curious about the city's past, Muzeum OdBudowy is a must-visit destination that will leave you inspired and in awe of Warsaw's architectural heritage.

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