Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex

1 Beech Grove, Toonagh, Ennis, Co. Clare, V95 P7VF, Ireland

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Discover the Hidden Gem of Ennis: Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex

Ennis, a charming town in County Clare, Ireland, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. While many visitors flock to the town center to explore its medieval streets and lively pubs, there is a hidden gem just a short distance away that is worth discovering - Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex. This historic venue offers a unique blend of community spirit, sporting activities, and cultural events that will leave you captivated.

A Brief History

Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex has a fascinating history that dates back to the mid-19th century. The old Toonagh school, which opened its doors in 1845, served as the local education center until 1964 when a new school was built. The construction of the old school was made possible by the efforts of the local landlord, McGrath, and voluntary labor.

In the 1960s, the vacant school was taken over by a branch of Muintir na Tire, a community development organization. It became a hub for various activities, including meetings, music, drama, and dancing. Around the same time, Dysart AC, a thriving athletics club, made use of the facility.

Sports and Cultural Events

In 1971, Toonagh Hall was built, providing a dedicated space for community gatherings and cultural events. The renowned Toonagh Ceili Band was formed, and under the guidance of Frank Custy, many talented musicians began their careers here. The hall became a hub for traditional Irish music, attracting both locals and visitors alike.

In 1983, the sports complex was added to the venue, offering a range of indoor sports activities. Indoor football, basketball, volleyball, and handball were among the popular games played here. Toonagh's handball team gained recognition throughout the country, winning numerous titles and even contributing to the establishment of the national Cumann na mBunscoil Handball competition.

Architectural Features

Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex boasts a charming architectural style that reflects its historical significance. The hall itself is a testament to the community's dedication and hard work, with its construction funded by local fundraising efforts. The sports complex, built in 1983, showcases the commitment of the community and the support received from Clare County Council.

Visit Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex

If you're planning a trip to Ennis, make sure to include a visit to Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex in your itinerary. Whether you're a sports enthusiast looking to engage in a friendly game or a lover of traditional Irish music seeking an authentic experience, this hidden gem has something for everyone.

Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex is open year-round, hosting a variety of events and activities. Check the local calendar for upcoming concerts, ceilis, or sporting events. The friendly atmosphere and warm hospitality of the locals will make your visit truly memorable.


Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex in Ennis is more than just a venue - it's a testament to the community's spirit and passion for sports and culture. From its humble beginnings as a school to its transformation into a vibrant hub for music, dance, and sports, this hidden gem offers a unique experience for visitors. So, next time you find yourself in Ennis, don't miss the opportunity to discover the charm and history of Toonagh Hall and Sports Complex.

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